I am having trouble with an interlock that is supposed to be easy. I want it to be perfect so the lines on the bottom of the double boxs match up. I was interlocking 3 double boxs, tall length, together perfectly. I wanted middle one strait and on each side, one at an angle. I currently have the middle one and one side perfectly interlocked, but the third will just not work. I have it in the right spot and everything, it will just not line up for some reason, I reajusted it a couple times and still not lining up perfectly. It looks like its flat on the ground but I guess not. ANYONE HAVE TIPS ON HOW TO DO IT. IVE TRIED GUIDES TOO BUT IT JUST WONT LINE UP. EDIT: I will post pictures in a while unless someone can figure out why it wont work.
Try this thread that I made on how to make clean interlocks (Basically perfect interlocks).Hope this helped =).
Ive tried all of that and it still won't line up, its like it lifts a corner of the box off the ground... This is what it looks like: EDIT: Nevermind just fixed it, keept re arranging it and its perfect now.
Oh, I know exactly what you're problem is - I ran into it while making Helix - your box to the left is upside down, or at least rotated 180 degrees differently than the others - see how the spawn marker it going a different direction than the other two? It's good and all that you've fixed it on your own, but at least others know what's up.
'Perfect' interlocking can be achieved by knowledge of the proper technique and a however much time it needs applied to it.
The best way is to put a Double Wall on the longer side and then you will know where the other 1/2 spawn.