One of my first maps. 2 base symetrical 2v2 or 1v1 map. GameTypes: CTF Slayer Team Slayer Assult oddball territories vip juggernaut King of the hill Weapons: Various Discription: Mauler in bottom middle, shotgun on top middle. 2 bases, symetrical. Grenade shoots. And good merging. Created by sploder360 Attackers base overview top middle For download go to:
Now for an actually helpful post. Welcome to Forge Hub. Here at FH, people will flame the crap outta you if your pictures don't work. Use this thread to help you get the pictures working. Happy forging. Now, no one post after this or you will be reported. EDIT: And whoever put in a one star rating already - **** You. That's just not nice. Its his first post and the images were there, just they weren't working. That's not his fault. Don't rate maps before the post is in order. Jesus.
here are your pictures good sir. Just Quote me and then paste the IMG codes in your original post. There you go, TheDarkKnight05
Well, since I can see the pics, Its okay. You can get out a little easy, and the interlocking is just a small tiny bit sloppy. It okay, 3.9/5.
ya now that i can c the pics. it looks really well done and the use of high and low ground looks good. but ur description is lacking in the sense of telling us more about hte map