This one needs a border. And the lighting needs to be toned down by a bit. I can barely see the left side. Now, a question. Who is the girl in the sig? I've seen her in way too many sigs.
It's Haruhi Suzumiya, the girl who stalks me. Long Story. She's from a somewhat popular manga called "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya." I found it quite interesting. I don't feel like looking it up myself, so how exactly do add a border with GIMP?
If I recall correctly, Go into SELECT>SELECT ALL then go into EDIT>STROKE. Select color and size to your pleasure. 1 pixal is recommended.
Hey guys I'm deciding to make an entry for this thread. I'm just wondering what smudging is lol.I just wann know so I don't get disqualified. I'm not even going to be close to winnign but why not lol.
... seriously??? smudging is a tool in most photo editing software example smudging was used to make all those little flares you see it basically is used to make an image flow better but can be used for many effects
the render seems to stick out to much from the background and it is alittle blurry around the edges also the top left hand corner seems like it is to bright and maybe make it fade to white more gradually any CnC for mine?
mr mchaggis... your signature entry is way to large, and one thing, you may want to ask a moderator about your current signature, we have strict policies on nudity... yes that is not very offensive but you may want to check with a mod about it
i've had my current sig for awhile now there hasn't been a problem with it for the past month so i dont imagine it would be now. anything else about it being to large bc i was aware of that i just haven't re sized it yet
McHaggis, it lacks a LOT of things and one main problem I can see, is the render quality. Extremely poor. Construct and Criticise? (Which one?)
The second one, you did very well on it. I really have no problem with it, except I don't think I would use it as my sig. That's just my opinion though. CnC?
I really like this one, you have meh vote, but I do have a few things to say. I like the use of flares, it's the best iv'e ever seen. The BG seems kinda generic and un-involved. But mostly I love the way she is more fadded in the BG and her hand/thumb seem to stand out.
Had to change it since Diz posted bfore me, and then he used the same image as me. So, if I didnt change it, people will think I copied him.
Yours is too big, I believe its a signature it can only be 500x200 or 200x500 if you want to go verticle