Team Test Map 9 is a Symmetrical Arena map created by iAlphabetik && BLAQxOUT consisting of four bases ( Red, Blue Bases, and Pink / Purple Tower / Gold Tower. ) Its setup for all MLG game-types, although it's focused on Slayer / King. The spawns are still in BETA and have been tested they SEEM to be fine, IF ANYONE finds flaws in the spawns OR anything regarding the map post and let us know. Also were currently testing send FR's to iAlphabetik && Get oFF M3 BKs Weapons Battle Rifle - 8 --10 second respawn Carbine - 2 --90 second respawn Mauler - 1 -- 120 second respawn Frag - 4 -- 30 second respawn Plasma - 6 --30 second respawn Game-types Default MLG TS V5 Default MLG Team King V5 Screenshots Blue Base Gold Tower Red Base Pink / Purple Tower
OK Very sloppy. You can fix it by interlocking the bases better(the bridges), making the middle smaller, and is it B or Purple.
Nice job, I really like yellow and purple is good but fix the sloppiness in the bases you got my Dl but change the name, it sucks. OP PLEASE OP REPOST your map, i love Yellow and Purple but I am thinking of modifying the red and blue