MLG Defiled

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by PulseKiller, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Defiled is a unique 2 base symmetrical map that was designed by TheEpicCiabatta and forged by PulseKiller. This map was designed with gameplay in mind, and it really shows. All gametypes play amazingly while hill shines as its best gametype. Th3 Vertigo even said that Defiled hill was his favorite map/gametype combination ever in Halo. Defiled supports all MLG gametypes and for flag the Onslaught varient is used.
    The cover on this map was chosen to provide the perfect amount. After hours of tweaking with the cover, it is now "perfect". The spawns spawns were worked on for very long, and I believe I have finally found the system I want, which makes spawns run smoothly for all gametypes. This map was tested nonstop to ensure that the gameplay is as good as it can be.
    Contained on this map are:
    4 Battle Riffles
    2 Carbines
    1 Plasma Pistol
    1 Mauler
    4 Frags
    2 Plasmas
    Overview 1:
    Overview 2:
    A side:
    B side:
    B Pit:

    When you download and play, please leave a comment saying what you liked/disliked about the map so that I can improve upon it.​
    #1 PulseKiller, Sep 23, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
    Gollygeeanelite likes this.
  2. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    You link is broken. Use this URL: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing. You should probably clarify that the title is the link, as I could imagine that some people might be confused.

    This map is also in the incorrect section. There is an MLG sub-forum you know. If a mod sees this, please move it.

    As for the map, I'll get to it Thursday. From the pics, it looks extraordinary.

    EDIT: The Review

    Superb interlocking from the walls to the structure. The layout is very well designed, but not too original. But hey, its an MLG map, what can you expect? From the time I had with this, it seemed as though the symmetry was exact. Kudos for that.

    But now its time for negative kudos becuase your map is breakable. I'll PM you on the details.

    Final Score

    Any way you look at this, the positives outweigh the negatives, and that one negative is all there was.
    #2 Warfang, Sep 23, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  3. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    this looks really nice... it is very smooth and such... nice layout... more pics... longer description... n a couple of quick jumps would help... nice work nice post... this seems very playable i will DL when my qued is complete other than that this seems pretty nice nice job and keep forging.... 4.9/5
  4. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    This map looks actually pretty good. It really does look like it would have that MLG type feeling to it. I really like the slanted walkway also the interlocked bridges with the carbine nearby. For being one of your first maps to post on forgehub. This is really good. I like the interlocked walls halfway in the boxes that really creates some interesting types of cover. The only thing I would get rid of is those random dumpsters. That kind of makes the middle part seem a little random and sloppy. Other than that, looks really good and worth a dl from me. : )
  5. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Link fixed... sorry about that. I copied and pasted this over from the MLG forums and it must of messed up my link.
  6. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    This looks really fun. The window panels are cool jumps that are probably very useful in Capture the flag. That interlocking in the second picture is outstanding and really caught my eye. You definitely have my download and I will play it this weekend. (can't on weekdays)
  7. allnamesrtakent

    allnamesrtakent Ancient
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    small world, i noticed you posted this map on the mlg forums yesterday, and downloaded it then.

    havent had a chance to play it yet, but ill try to get around to it.
  8. xxCrazyxx

    xxCrazyxx Ancient
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    unbelievable forging give u kutos on that.

    as for the actual layout, i find its to open in some spots. Like the base, really has nothing to it. Same with Top B. If u keep messing with it and add som things here and there this map would really be nice
  9. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    Very great map i mean this will be the best slayer/Team Slayer map ever so downloaded great map i love it. And Awesome interlocking, It's so perfectly neat What a great job this is a great map!!!
  10. biscuit127

    biscuit127 Ancient
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    This is really good interlocking... I like what you did with the raised B-Side. The layout is good, and from the pictures it looks really clean. The only thing I would change is to add more cover (like what xxCrazyxx said). The bases could use something for cover in front of them, but other than that its a really good map. 4.5/5 for now, I set it to DL for later
  11. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Thanks for all the feedback guys
  12. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    i think you should add a bridge in the middle.
  13. MLG_NaFy

    MLG_NaFy Ancient
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    Great map. It could use more cover especially at tower and he ramp wall at "B" is off center.
  14. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    I have a newer version with much improved cover around the tower. Also, the wall ramp being off center doesnt have any effect on gameplay and it was hard enough to get it at the perfect angle and not bumpy, so at that point I didnt even care if it was centered.
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Good job. Fantastic interlocking. I like those walkways. I can't help be thinking it looks bear though. There isn't really anything that makes this map great. It's good, but not great.
  16. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I just checked this map out in forge, and the layout looks great. I also love the fact that there's a plasma pistol, that's a favorite of mine :) The only criticism I can give you is about the aesthetics. The corners look kinda sloppy due to all the different textures that are interlocked together. (box, bridges, and walls). It's totally not a big deal, and it doesn't affect game play, it's just something that caught my attention.

    4.5/5 based off of layout. I can't completely judge the map until I've actually played on it.
  17. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    The corners do look messy, but that cant really be helped because of what I needed to use to make them. They run smoothly, and thats all that matters.

    Also... if you havnt already... play hill on this map. To many people it is their favorite map/gametype yet in Halo.

    I have a newer version that I believe has different hills, but either way, it still plays great
  18. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This is the most beautiful map that is made for MLG. I really like the B side because of the pointed wall because it gives the map complexity. You didn't focus all your construction on the bases which is very cool. The B ramp that is underneath the walkway is really smooth and the map angles are very smooth. I especially like the bottom area. You balanced cover really well, which I really respect you for. I really don't have any constructive criticism. I think you used all the immovable material. So yeah, great map, 5/5!
  19. RiioT

    RiioT Ancient
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    This is a great example of an MLG map. Its very great with so much interlocking and neatness. i rate this map a 4.8/5
  20. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Updated to Version 1.23

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