Download: Baconater 3000 Name: Baconater 3000, named after LG's favorite pastime, eating bacon. Maker: Oh Yah Productions Features Elevator Corkscrew Shield door jump Two banked U-turns Mostly banked corners 3 Jumps All double wide Very smooth Uncheatable Anti-cheat starting gate RACETRACKS compatible Pictures: As the racetrack goes. Thanks for taking a look at my post, please give feedback on what you'd like to see in a V2!
Very nice looking. I especially like that downward spiral/turn in the forth picture. Two questions though. Does the elevator always work? and Does something pop up a few seconds in to make the mongeese pop up so they're able to be drive out?
oh my, I must say I was into racing for a only lil but I think this revived my taste. the layout of the track is beautiful and the name graciously approves of your work Baconators = win ^_^ congratulations on this one sir, keep forging. I'll get back to you on this one if manage to make room on my HD
wow, this looks jsut like wall rider, this is like its brother. i will download and give it a test run, and hopefuly come back with my brutally honest review, but this looks very well made
I really like the spiral part of the map because it is interlocked great. I also think that the rest of the map is interlocked great except for one part. I think the beginning could be interlocked better. Overall, Good Job.
Thanks, Yes the elevator always works; it sometimes even makes you do a cool little backflip, and yes 10 seconds in signs spawn that let you drive over the starting gate. Lol awesome, I always liked the baconater. To be honest, I never really played wallrider, but thanks = ). I will be looking forward to your review.
clean, neat interlocking. im not really a racetrack fan though. the starting thing is smart. 4.5/5 (-.5 for not having anything new)
Isn't the double-wide corkscrew & elevator (not solidly made of shield doors) something relatively new?
wow man, that corkscrew looks pretty LeeT. what exactly is the purpose of putting an elevator in a race map tho...?
looks great as far as i can tell the downward spiral must have taken forever to make though. also your interlocking looks great i rate this a 4.9/5 race track
i love the corkscrew best i've ever seen nice job looks like a lot of fun i can wait to play it you make the best race tracks ever 5/5 just like all of your raceing maps
Hmm... The map is very clean, and your Interlox is almost perfect! The spiral was made almost flawlessly! The only problem is that at the shield door jump, its EXTREAMLY easy to fall off - Which it should be - But then you have to restart the map! That could get in your way from wining sometimes! Overall a great map, ill give it a 4/5. I Downloaded it earlier to
Looks like great racetrack because it has good turns and the big launch upwards. Does the launch always work? The interlocking looks great and must have tooken foreever. Nice map overall. 4/5
that looks absolutly beautiful and the map has a cheating system and is well made, though the start is a bit sloppy and the last turn is a bit short, though a great job.
Nice job! This looks cool. Looks neat witht the interlocking. The starting line looked a little sloppy, but I don't care because the rest of the map is wow! I like your corkscrew. Nice interlocking there. Can't cheat the finish line that's good. 5/5
wow, i really like this race map, these just keep getting better and better, i especially like the 360 underturn, thats very very nice,the interlocking is smooth. everything about it is great! i'm so downloading and going to pwn my buddies in an epic race, very nice work! 5/5
i think that you are very gifted with interlocking and i love the first turn and the elevator you could make a race track on blackout and be the first to make a perfect i have no idea what it is called it is a loop but you not going in a circle you spiral i think it is a corkscrew but correct me if i am wrong like in speed racer but the map is goooood 4.9/5 dl for me for v2 make on first turn so can't cheat but dropping down
This map looks pretty good. I like the corkscrew turn in it. I see you said you're making a v2 and that looks good, maybe clean up the start ramp it looks kinda sloppy. This map looks like a very good race map, and I'll DL and see how it plays. 4.5/5 right now.