Microsoft India reveals XBox 360 Slim Posted in News Posted on September 27, 2008 22 Comments » (this image here is an artists impression only) XBOX SLIM At a recent event held in Delhi, Microsoft revealed some very interesting pieces of information. For one thing, most sites have posted conspiracies and possible shots of what appeared as the console’s slim version; Engadget received a tip as far back as May concerning the planned 45nm Valhalla combined CPU / GPU motherboard design for the 360 and how it would most likely come in a new slim case. MS execs here confirmed that the Xbox 360 Slim exists and you can expect an official announcement on the console in December. When the redesign will be officially available (in 2009) to consumers is uncertain but this certainly looks to be a worthy purchase to start the New Year, especially with the upcoming October releases of Fallout 3, Fable 2 and Gears of War 2 in India. Click here to read full article Xbox 360 Slim: An update Posted in News Posted on September 29, 2008 2 Comments » by gSathe At the Human Weapon Gaming Night organised by The History Channel on Friday, September 26th, Microsoft India’s Retail Services Manager Rahul Datta was also present as various 360 games were being used to promote the event. While there, he spoke to members of the gaming press, and talked about the holiday bundle and upcoming games in the months to come. Questioned about the 360 Slim, he said that an announcement has not been made as yet, but that one can be expected around December, without giving more details. However, speaking to Microsoft’s PR representative today, we were told that this was not what was meant, and that he had in fact said, “I haven’t heard anything about this, but if you wait for some months then who knows? Things keep evolving in this business and for now just imagine what it’d look like.” Incidentally, they re-confirmed everything else mentioned in our story. Their official response to the story meanwhile was: We would not like to comment on any market speculation or rumor. In India we have the Xbox 360 core and the Xbox 360 Pro console currently available in the market. There are exciting new game titles like Gears of War 2, Fable 2 and Fall Out 3 in the pipeline for the holiday season along with special promotions and festival offers. What does this mean? There are just 2 options as I see it: Our reporter made an honest mistake. Our bad, mea culpa, big apologies. Microsoft has been sitting on this announcement for a while, waiting for the right opportunity, and Rahul Datta let the cat out of the bag accidentally - after all, the official statement isn’t an outright denial either, even if it reads like one. And when asked, Microsoft’s PR reps said they could NOT offer a more definite statement… source site found here
Looks like the slim Ps2 kinda. I doubt anything like this would happen though, well, not in like 8 years or so.
I highly doubt that. Have you guys even seen the inside of an Xbox 360? It was built that big for a reason, and the only way of then ever going to make it thinner is if they made the heat-sync smaller. That's going to be a huge problem, not because they can't (they can) but because if they were to make it smaller that would give you bigger RRoD problems. Meaning that you would get RRoD for playing on the game for the first hour.
They just started producing quality systems within the past year, and now people are speculating that they'll be making a smaller version of the 360? Even if it were true, I wouldn't trust it.
Lol yea if they did make this they all would start overheating and breaking within the first 3 months.
Why would Microsoft India announce this? Sounds way to fishy to me... I do suspect that eventually they will make a slim one, both for the 360 and the PS3. Those guys have way too much time on their hands for them not to figure out how to solve overheating and other problems which wouldn't allow for a slim.
Doesn't mean they knew how to fix it. About 3 years have gone by. You'd think they'd figure out how to solve that kinda stuff, dont you?
accually we were talking about this in my technology class today. sumthin on the pc said that microsoft might soon be releasing a slim version followed by a new 360(my freinds and i have been calling it the 720) a few years after.
This seems like a really cool idea and it worked well with the ps2. But im sure this is not that high on Microsoft's to do list. Its a hectic time with all these updates, which is better because they could of took the 360 changed the name, changed the shape and added new dashboard and there you go new console. Thankfully they thought of the customers and saved all of us a lot of money. A problem with the 360, not sure if it happens with the ps3 is overheating. The infamous 3 red lights of death. I'm not entirely sure why it happens but what i know is the fans inside help to stop it. That's why many people have bought the 360 expansion. By making the console "slim" you take off or shorten those fans. Making the problem worse. On the plus side it looks nicer and you can fit it in smaller places. - if im wrong about the fans thing than please correct me
If they started making those you would get the RRoD FORSHUR. They already made it smaller, making the cooling filter/thing smaller, which is why the older Xboxes overheated.
Even if there is a slimmer Xbox, who the hell is gonna drop another several hundred on it? I don't get the point of slimmer stations, just ways to make money... You can't even body mod them =/
I don't think we can go by what the pic looks like. It say's it's just an artist's conception work. So comparing it to a slim PS2 doesn't really disprove anything. But overall, I don't think they would release anything if it worked much more horridly than the original 360s. And technology is always advancing. What I don't understand marketing wise is what the purpose for this would be when they've already got the Elite system out.
This kinda sounds like a joke but I'm not to sure about this kinds of stuff. (Which I'm usually wrong) Either way I don't see a point in them making a smaller version. I guess just for the people who is tight on space. But I would never buy a smaller version when I could just buy the exact same thing in the bigger version. (Which could be cheaper then the smaller version). Anyway If people got to buying this thing if it's true then they would have to deal with it possibly getting RROD and it breaking a lot easier. EDIT: OH well nevermind, thanks for killing the fun Coolant. lol.
I dunno if that thing could handle it. I mean the XBOX can go without rrod for around 2 years. And they want to make it slimmer? Idk
well it LOOKS pretty far as if it is real or not, i don't know. One city in india i think it's called Dabul or something is one of the most technologically advanced and progessive places in the world, so it actually wouldd make sense if they announced it there