Parameter map pack Stolenpoo and Ki Jason. have done it again. This time the map pack consists of four great maps including the remake of our famous Spillway. I know you have all been waiting for it for some time now so here it is. Overflow download here Finally the prodigy to the original map Spillway that achieved more than 3000 downloads has been released. This time the map is more balanced, more accessible, more fun, and has less glitches. No more bad floors, no more loosing a frag down the sides, and no more do you have to be subjected to great ideas that were portrayed poorly in forge. This time Ki Jason and I decided to start anew. We took a canvas that we specifically designed for easy forging and laid down the first box. This resulted in the two sides both having a tunnel, a complete catwalk that goes absolutely all the way around this time, wider pipe, overflow drain to hold the active camo, conversion of the lift to a stairway, and the best scenery layout possible. This time we decided to look at every little detail and make sure everything worked properly. Screenshots Catwalk A 360 degree view of the map looking around from the middle. [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] Pipeline The pipe running down the middle and both sides up close. [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] Stairway The place where the lift used to be. [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] Controll Room The sniper tower overlooking the pipe. [IMG width=300 height=225][/img] Redemption download here download here The long, narrow, winding, and confusing streets of this once glorious city are now once again your battlefeild. Destroyed in erlier battles, you must now complete salvage missions on the same streets. Be careful for gas leaks and broken city walls. Find as much cover as possible, and keep moving. Screenshots [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] Corridor download here Once again the idea to block off the outside of rats nest has been used to create a map, only this time Ki Jason used his creativity to add tunnels that would not normally be seen on a map like this. With narrow hallways, open rooms, and the most balanced amazing gameplay, there is so much more possible with an older idea. Screenshots Blue base [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] Red Base [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] Tunnels [img width=300 height=225][/img] [img width=300 height=225][/img] Credit Credit for the making of the map goes to Stolenpoo and Ki Jason.
Love this map. Version 1 was great! Now... is there gonna be version 3? :squirrel_eyebrow: I want the lift back though, I don't like the stairs
I'm glad you posted this so soon! For some reason my 360 didn't register the map when we looked at it last night, only the film. I was a sad squid. Immediate DL!!
I haven't played an actual game on it yet but I've checked it out in a forge and you have done it guys. You've made a great map, I love it! It's such an upgrade from the first version. And keep the stairs, it looks way better now . Keep up the excellent work guys, Peace // gorebound.
I'm glad you released Overflow before the others were finalized. That way I can start playing the it and get rid of that old crappy Spillway. What a piece of crap that was compared to this one. Thanks for letting me check it out early.
No problem. I jsut thought that I needed to release them all over time, and since this one was the first done. BAM here it is LOL.
he will add more in the next couple of days on topic: stolenpoo I really liked spillway and this fells just like spillway. I hope that the other will be just as awesome. the only thing i did not like was the camo because i had to take off toggle crouch but I can live with out toggle crouch for this map. my rating *Highfive*
i totally loved the old version of this map, but this is definitely much nicer. well done and keep the classics coming
Exactly, when are we going to see some new maps? =) EDIT: Even though I really like the map Overflow I have to say that it is too small for my taste, me and three friends played a game of FFA Slayer on it and it was an instant-spawn-kill-fest. But I can see how this map would be good for games of 2v2.
I lost a post here too. I think I basically asked when the other maps will be released. I'm curious to see those. Oh, and there is a spawning issue with Overflow. I played a H2H on it and we were always spawning next to each other, or right beneath the other one.
Unfortunately the site downtime has effected my post. Some of the articles that were up before it went down are gone. By tomorrow all the maps should be up. I am very sorry. I would do it right now, but homework is just as important to me.