^^^Not what we're talking about^^^ The issue of Marijuana is not exactly hidden in America. Everyone that will post in this thread either smokes it or knows someone who does. So, considering its illegality but natural existence, please discuss your thoughts on the morality of one smoking Marijuana.
I personally don't smoke, nor have I ever. However, I do think that people have certain rights to life and as long as they aren't hurting anyone then it should be legal. Not the bullshit "it emotional hurts loved ones." Sure, because that's the way society viewed it. If society thought it was just peachy then no one would have a problem with it. If the druggie can keep himself from physically inflicting harm on others then I have no qualms. Side note - In the '50s, Elvis was never shown, on TV, from the waist down. Society has changed since then, so those who do wish to dance in such a manner can without it being a humiliating, blasphemous sight. You can equate that to my marijuana arguement above.
Now, I may be wrong here. However when I used the magical search tool it told me a secret. Believe it or not there may be another topic about said Mary Jane. Here's the link: Marijuana Discussion You didn't hear it from me.