No EXP/Skill Confirmation

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Soldier62994, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    After me and my friend won 11 straight matches in a row we started to realize, "Maybe its not lagg...I bet we're not getting any EXP or skill...GAY!" I go to check

    Users in Matchmaking since Xbox Live's recent downtime are noticing a lack of EXP rewards for their gameplay. Rest assured we're working on it right now.

    Since Xbox Live's scheduled maintenance ended this morning, gamers playing Halo 3 have noticed that TrueSkill and EXP are not being rewarded properly (which is to say, EXP is not being rewarded at all). We are currently working with the Xbox Live team to identify and resolve this issue, and we hope to have you earning your EXP again as quickly as possible.

    Note that this is not the same as an EXP ban. If you have been banned from gaining EXP for boosting as part of our recently evolved Banhammer, you will receive a message informing you so quite clearly from the game itself. If you have not seen this message (which reappears often), then you are not banned.

    There is nothing further to add at this time, but I will update this post as updates are warranted.

    Source: : Inside Bungie : Blog

    Woulda made me a Colonel too...
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  2. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Those damn noobs over at Xbox Live..

    Hopefully this gets cleared up pretty quick.. especially since a couple of the vidmaster challenge achievements Lightswitch and 7 on 7 (think thats what they're called) are based on EXP.

    I wonder how the Xbox Live update could have possibly affected Halo 3's EXP and TrueSkill system..
  3. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Cant get the 7 on 7 until the 7th. But yeah, lightswitch is the other. Im just mad that Im not a Colonel...been a 39 for 6 months now. Kept helping my friends and stuff, Im a 37 in Team Slayer, 31 in Lone Wolves, 39 in Doubles and 24 in SWAT. Ofc none of my friends use the same playlists...
  4. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    i hope this gets fixed by today, or else I will explode like a pinata.....
  5. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
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    If bungie is unable to get the exp working by the 7th, they will probably make that achievement redeemable on the next day (8th)
  6. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    I hope they finish it by tomorrow afternoon. If it wasnt for this Id be a Colonel and more than likely a skill lvl 42 or so. Guess Ill have to Forge and play some Rock Band while I wait...
  7. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    I'm sure that it keeps track of our won games and not won games, look at your service record on I had just won 2 games of Team Doubles and when i didn't rank up against a 20 and 18 (i'm 16) i knew something was wrong.
  8. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    I did check that, in fact, the games dont even register. I still have the same amount of ranked matches played.

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