If anybody here on good ol' FH is a fan of Hip Hop or Pop, I suggest you take a gander at artist T.I.'s new album, The Paper Trail. It is really good, and IMO his best album.
I absolutely hate rap, hiphop, r&b, but for some odd reason that one song by TI has been stuck in my head for the past week. I think the name of it is something like "You can get whatever you want?" Correct me if I am wrong.
Whatever You Like Yea, its a good song IMO. Don't Stereotype me tho. Just cuz I like Rap doesnt mean its all I listen to.
T.I.=Best artist ever. Paper Trail=Is over 9000 T.I. is seriously a great rapper.He's not the old sterotype rapper with his 'up class' fashion and such.But he still delivers the regluar rapper style.T.I.+Lil Wayne=Best song ever.
Titmar, insults aren't necessary. And I disaagree, i think SOULJABOY has killed hip hop. He needs to take that "Superman" sh** elsewhere.
rap sux...period! i can listen to a few hip hop songs, and a little bit of eminem but thats for pure comedic purposes. rock is awesome! go slipknot and velvet revolver! i also do like country.
Rap/hip-hop doesn't suck it's just lost some of its quality over the years. I miss the days when rap meant something. It had that artistic flair and it wasn't just some ghetto rat's shopping list or how many ho's he does or how much of a pimp he is. Groups like Run DMC and guys like Big Daddy Kane among others. Listen to some of their music, thats the way rapping and hip-hop should be. Now don't get me wrong not all rap today is like that. Guys like Common are nice to listen to and I'll listen to the occasional Lil' Wayne or T.I. song (I like Misunderstood and I'll always get a kick out of Phone Home and Big Things Poppin' helps me get pumped up for my basketball games). And to anyone who calls soulja boy actual rap and/or hip-hop, you can go kill yourself.....seriously....do it now. Seriously, "Crank Dat" made me wanna kill myself.
Well, i'll answer your question, never heard of papertrail, unless your talking about the snowboard run at my local mountain, that run kicks ass, love the little kickers and mix of powder EDIT: sorry i never heard of papertrail, i just don't listen to rap/hip-hop. btw, i have a zune, and 1000s of song i've listened to many times, i just never found TI very listenable. You have no reason to upset, i wouldn't be upset if you don't like rhcp (i would just think your crazy, jk).
Seaboro, obviously you havnt checked iTunes or any other music download system/thingy. Its like one of the top albums out right now.
i used to like hip hop occasionally ill listen to it but ****ers like soulja boy and lil wayne are destroying it. a few of my favouraite artists are Masta Ace, Nas , Eminem And Papoose are lyrical scientists Can't forget pac and biggie
I dislike these types of music, but some songs that fall under these genres are quite good. All music takes skill to make. Except for that shitty drum & bass with the high pitched chipmunk voice singing over it really fast. Arrgh! Anyway, define "pop". It's not really a genre, it's just a generic phrase for popular music. So, all the modern tat songs, then. Mind you, you have to listen to the **** to appreciate good music.