Map Title: Guinea Pig Fast paced games in a former research facility 2-8 players / ideal for 2 teams for all gametypes YouTube Video: in High Quality Get the Map: Download Guinea Pig In this research facility, psychological experiments were carried out. After an experiment went wrong, the subjects started to riot. Download High-Res Description: Guinea Pig is a small encapsulated map designed on foundry. It offers a very unique gameplay and fast paced games. The facility has 4 floors which are connected through multiple stairways. On the groundfloor there are two low-range weapons, the shotgun and the sword. Also there is one battlerifle for each team, which becomes most interesting on the 3rd floor. On the small 4th floor, a sniper rifle is situated, giving the players the opportunity to choose between a close and personal or rather a mid-range game. The bruteshot is placed on the 2nd floor exactly between the two team-startingpoints. There ist one additional weapon, that can only be reached by breaking out of the facility through some sort of ventilation shaft: the rocket launcher. second floor groundfloor third floor and sniping-tower the rocket launcher Download Map Feel free to download and test the map. Feedback and suggestions are welcome (the longer, the better) ;-) Ehhm.. and as I am swiss, my english is not perfect.. I would be very happy if someone could work my text over and/or send me a pn with corrections. Thanks! ;-)
It looks pretty good, but there aren't enough pictures to really be able to tell much about the map. If my crappy internet connection holds, then I'll try to download it and get a better feel for it. But, as far as I can tell, it is very good.
from what i can see this map looks very good but a couple more pics would give me a better idea of it. my only suggestion would be to flip those boxes for aesthetics and to make it look smoother other than that tha map looks good 4/5
This looks very well made and I like the name =P Great interlocking and interesting layout. I can't tell much from the photos so I suggest you add some more... I will add some more detailed feedback as soon as I see more pics.
Why don't people just download the map to try a map, instead of waiting for pictures? That's what I'm going to do at any rate.
Thanks for the quick feedback! Like Acosta02, I would really suggest everyone to download the map in order to give a more detailed feedback. This would be very nice. For all those who are too lazy to download, have a crappy internet connetion or have no more free space on their xbox I will create a Youtube Video as soon as i have the time. I think this would be the best way to judge the map. Besides downloading of course. ;-)
I'm not too lazy to download, my mom confiscated my xbox so I can't download. I really want to download though and I am very excited about seeing the youtube video! I don't see why it is so hard to just add a few more pics though?
It's hard to tell with the limited amount of pics. I can tell you've worked hard on the interlocking, it looks a bit sloppy but the effort is there. 4/5 Good Map! Try and add more pics and you'll probably get more downloads. Keep Forging!
Map video coming soon Hi everyone! I'm currently working on a short video to introduce the map a little better. I will upload it as soon as possible. I hope the video will animate more people to download the map and give me some feedback. And of course it would be great if some of you kept the map for your custom games. ;-)