hey everyone, i was wondering how many people use the different types of button layouts for halo 3, im pretty sure lots of people use bumper jumper and default, but how many people use walkie talkie...and if you do, why? thanks
I use default, I've never really got the hang on any of the others. The only other one I've come close to use reasonably well is Bumper Jumper, but not very well.
i use defult but when i go sword fighting i take a sec and change to green thumb the moving and the slashing realy help
I recently made the switch to Bumper Jumper, and I've noticed a significant improvement in my game. I only wish it were default so I would use it sooner. To get used to it I went and got some of the campaign metascore achievements, only took a few hours to adjust.
I switch between the settings to match different game types, 10-Bumper for BR's, 8-Default for Slayer, 7-Green Thumb for Hammer and Sword games, 3-Default for shotty snipes, etc. Usually my settings are on 8-Bumper when I can't be bothered to change the settings... god bless lethargy.
I use default because I will never get used to anything else. Though sometimes for swords i use Boxer or whatever which changes B to LT.
Bumper Jumper FTW!! Here is a list of the setting of pro players and semi-pro players: *Im pretty sure that this is wrong, Walshy uses BJ. Neighbor-3 default T2- 4(?) Bumper Jumper
Boxer on 1 sensitivity works best with me. I put my index finger on the face buttons and shoot with my middle finger, so I do not need Bumper Jumper.
I remember in the beginning all of FB was using Default, pretty sure Walshy still uses default. EDIT: Bumper Jumper/ 4 for me. :]
bumper jumper with 8 sensitivity i tried going back to default and trying others but it doesn't work our for me