The Maps You Don't Post...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jpec07, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Hey all,

    I got to thinking lately (a dangerous passtime, I know) about how we all will sometimes fool around in Forge and just make random crap that we would never, in our wildest dreams post here to ForgeHub (at least, I think we all do @_@). From maps we made when we first found out about the Forge to maps that we make just to goof off with our friends.

    So, what are some of the maps that you've made that you would never post?

    One of mine is a map called "Labyrinth" - a multi-tiered, claustrophobic maze of doom where the higher you got on the map, the greater your advantage was. Granted, with all the maze maps posted, it would have been lost quickly, and I'll admit readily that I knew nothing about interlocking or the more advanced forge techniques that I picked up this summer, so its construction, while precise, lacked finesse.
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    For me it was a racetrack, I had seen a few youtube videos of them and they looked really cool so I built my own. It sucked a lot, but during the construction I found out how to interlock and float, and use walls to line things up, so my first 2 actual FPS halo maps came out fairly nicely.
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Mine is a three story building that slowly builds itself up. I didn't publish it because frankly, it sucks. The gameplay on it is horribly ineffective.
  4. xXxGorexJordzxXx

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    It was a one like cave freeks, but the vip was the only one who could use a vehicle and he spawned with a tank. Then it was just like normal cave freeks but the vip had a tank and the points were alot more base like and teh tank had to be manoved in ways to get to certain places at each base. It was really cool. Im thinking of going abck a re making it.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i got smaller versions of maps that are just like my regular ones, only i had shitty weapon placement. my maps have been getting bigger over time.
  6. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    I have made a map for fat kid, and I was so lazy that I forgot about interlocking and geomerging. But it is fun to play anyways.
    The only thing that is bad about this map is (except no interocking/geomerging) is if someone leaves and all objects are reset, and humans are behind a "special" barrier, it is almost impossible for zombies to reach the humans.
  7. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    MMM.... Mongoose wheelie machines, random switches, a giant magnet switch....
    That kind of thing...
  8. Shadow Tyrant

    Shadow Tyrant Ancient
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    I made this map on Foundry that's basically just three flights of stairs going up and then bridges going around in a circle slowly spiraling downward. And when you get to the last bridge, there's a mancannon on the end that launches you into a cage box that's impossible to get out of because there's grave lifts and mancannons on the other side keeping you in.

    Then there's my exploding maps where I just line certain areas full of explosives. Like the middle part in Sandtrap and the whole bottom level of Guardian.
  9. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    I still have the first map I ever made. Melee Arena.

    A little sword arena on Last Resort. Some boxes placed in the water to make a square, with one of the the squares sides being Open Boxes and the opposite corner having an Open Single Box. The center had 3 boxes at different levels, the highest having a custom powerup that gave you extra speed. The entire square had vehicles ontop of it, a floating tank and teleporters to make it look nice. Only problem was people would on spawn at one spot. I dont know if anyone cares, but heres some pics of it.

    Overview (Blue box in upper right corner is open, Blue box in bottom right is 2cnd entrance to tunnel, all the way in back right is first entrance to tunnel.
    Looking at the center and the hallway
    Looking down the hallway, second entrance to the left
    Overview 2
  10. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I have a map where you're in a box and you just get shot in a circle by mancannons.
  11. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    lol with my friend I made an interlocked merr-go-round. rat's what we called it. Basically it was walled in with a bunch of mancannons shooting you in a circle. Zombies spawn in the middle and then jump into the ferris wheel. I know, not thought out, and not to well made. But whatever we were just screwing around.
  12. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    The first map I ever mad was on high ground. All it was was the center bridge had a wraith and a bunch of power weapons and then where the laser spawns normally, there were more power weapons and a grav lift to the top canopy thing. There was a scorpion up there. all the spawns were kept the same and it was just for slayer and whoever got to the base first got all the power weapons. That was before people forged maps. that was when everyone screwed around and threw all the weapons in piles.

    I also make a lot of maps now on foundry that are stupid and don't use any forging techniques. None of them are any good and none of them play well.
  13. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    I made a floating, interlocked platform near foundry's height barrier and put shield doors above it and around it, so that the zombies had to try and throw stickies and stick the humans for infection points.

    It was actually quite fun.
  14. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    lol... just a bunch of random immovable objects interlocked to make an innaccessible, odd looking structure in the middle of foundry canvas... it was sooo lame.
  15. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I made a few maps where there were upper and lower powers and I didn't post, one im gonna post soon, but the others were sloppy.
  16. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I made an MLG map that wasn't common format for MLG Foundry, but it was still cool, all my friends loved it. I spent over 25 hours making it! It was my first map using interlocking, and I thought it was amazing. :D
  17. Swift

    Swift Ancient
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    Because of school, once summer ends I can only make really bad maps. So..... 90% of the maps I make.Latest is called Dumpster Reign, where you have to jump to the top before dumpsters kill you.
    Problem?I ran out of dumpsters and there is still a safe spot.
  18. Erisnas

    Erisnas Ancient
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    One of my favorite things to do in forge is build machines. Therefore it has been a longtime goal of mine to make a working mech. This has led me to many discoveries always improving my design. There is one challenge that I have had the most trouble with though, movement. This is mainly hindered by immobile objects but that isn't the point of this post. After some time I came up with a potential new way to incorporate legs. Well as I was working on it I had a random idea cross my mind and soon the killer rabbit (monty python reference) was born...
    I was able to construct a working mech on Last Resort (because of its movable double boxes). However, its movement was rather odd, it bounced. It was a great achievement to me but unfortunately was only able to be constructed on a map that was suited poorly for it as it was restrained to the beach. Second, its design made it hard to take down without a "holy hand grenade" (I added it so at least it was possible to fight although the mech had no defence against it). Therefore I never posted it or showed it to anymore people than I could trust. Gameplay on it was hard as it took a while to learn how to operate it correctly and balance was hard when it essentially had unbreakable armor due to its construction from scenery. I have since deleted it hoping to remake it on avalanche but no luck there. As I am becoming more active here I am thinking of remaking it to post as it was one of my greatest achievements. I am worried though, although it sounds amazing to play on, it wasn't really. But then again it gave me many interesting games with some of the most interesting splatters I have ever had.
  19. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Are you serious? That sounds amazing. You totally should have posted it.
  20. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I made one like duck hunt.
    But its called Baby-Blasta.
    You start by spawning in the air and you fall into a teleporter, it shoots you out of a women's ****** and into a baby cradle. But the cradle sends you back into the womb and you get shot out again.
    Pretty 3pIC if you ask me.
    Ak Gumby likes this.

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