Debate Abortion - Whos choice?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The Storm 59, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Who's choice should it be to keep a child wanted only by one partner?

    First off - This debate is not about whether Abortion is right or wrong. There is a thread for that here. This debate is about who's choice it is.

    Now I heard an interesting discussion the other day (the other abortion one brought it to mind). There are a few circumstances to consider, straight up. Read then discuss.


    Circumstance A:
    Two people consensually have sexual relations on a one night stand. John Doe leaves Jane Smith his phone number. Twelve days later John gets a phone call from Jane. Jane tells him that shes pregnant, and that it can only be his. They meet. Jane wants to keep it. John doesn't.
    John: He is willing to pay for the abortion, he does not want the child. He is willing to give Jane monetary support after the abortion (for psychiatric care or whatever), but he doesn't want to be in the childs life.

    Jane: She wants the child.

    • Who's choice should it be to keep the child?
    • Should John be forced to pay for child support?
    • Should John be able to give Jane an amount of money, let her decide, and not have to pay child support if Jane chooses to keep it?

    Circumstance B:

    Two people consensually have sexual relations on a one night stand. John Doe leaves Jane Smith his phone number. Twelve days later John gets a phone call from Jane. Jane tells him that shes pregnant, and that it can only be his. They meet. John wants Jane to keep it. Jane isn't ready for a child.
    John: He wants the child for whatever reason - religious, moral, whatever.

    Jane: She isn't ready.

    • Who's choice should it be?
    • Should Jane be forced to go through 9 months of pregnancy so that John can have the child?
    • Should Jane then have to pay child support?

    The topic/question:-
    Who's choice should it be to keep a child wanted only by one partner?

    My opinion?

    If one partner wants the child, they should get the child. The only exception is if the woman has a condition which would make it hazardous to have the child.

    The child support issue... I don't know. It makes sense that both partners should have to support the child, but if one didn't want it in the first place (especially if the woman had to bear the child for 9 moths) then I don't know if they should be trapped.
  2. I No Quarter I

    I No Quarter I Ancient
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    i reckon you're right about the idea of if one parent wants it, it should be given life. But at the same time, someone should also be given the option of not seeing the child if they dont want to, however monetary support should definately be given. I dont think it should matter which person wants the child, only that at least one of them does.

    At the same time i agree with if the woman has a condition that would be of threat to either herself or the baby, then abortion should be the path taken.

    next time, use a condom!
  3. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    I think that a huge part of this is mainly the woman's choice. After all, it is her body.
    But there should be some sort of way to make it so that the father won't need to pay child support if he doesn't want it (assuming they were responsible.)
    If they weren't responsible, then tough luck for the dad, you should have put a condom on.
  4. allnamesrtakent

    allnamesrtakent Ancient
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    ask the kid if he/she wants to be murdered. personally, i would wait 18 years or so until the child reaches the age where he/she is an adult and has the legal right to make its own decisions about what he/she wants to do with their life.

    the baby does has 100% human dna from conception on, so regardless of size or physical form, it can only be scientifically classified as a human. However, while in the womb it does not have citizenship rights, as it has not yet been "born or naturalized" in America.

    its not the parent's decision, as killing the unborn baby (human, with non citizen status) should logically have the same legal repercussions as killing a illegal alien (also human with non citizenship status).

    another argument that attempts to justify the right to kill the baby is that the baby is (probably) not conscious/self aware. i go back to my previous example of the illegal alien, even if you drug/knock him out/give him brain damage so he is no longer self aware, you still cant legally kill him.

    the only time a U.S. citizen can kill another human is in self defense, so unless someone can definitively prove that allowing the baby to live will directly cause someone else's death, nobody (but maybe the baby itself, depending on your thoughts on suicide) has the right to kill it
  5. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    its not anyones choice, 2 people have to decide together. to be honest i think that since the male supplies the sperm (lifegiver for the kids) then they should get final say.
  6. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Read the first part of the thread before posting.

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