I apologize if this in the wrong place. but, my question is this: How can I set up a game type where only head-shots can kill (Like SWAT)? thank you for your time.
Its not head shots only. Its liek nos heilds and damage resist like 150 or 200. Menaing one headshot or like 5-6 body shots. I think tahts what it is.
Its not possible to make it so ONLY headshots can score a kill. There's always going to be an amount of body shots that can get the job done as well
2000 damage resistance, and no shields should do the trick for you anyways, thats what this gametype I got called headshots only is....!!!
It works to the point of someone really easily being able to get a headshot kill. But, they will still be able to get a kill with a number of body shots, like LIGHT said earlier. 2000 will be quite a bit though, so if you're using a BR then it's going to take like a whole clip in the body to kill them.