dude when I saw the title I thought wow noooooob!!! but now images in my head have changed, it look way awesome, but yeah no, its very well made probably thwe interlocking skeelz.
The interlocking and geo-merging are perfect. It looks like u spent a lot of time on this, doing things i dream of.
loks like an awesome map i will definately download and it looks awesome for fat kid but maybe 2 zombies
Wow, the map looks great, but i'm just wondering how did you geomerge the fence walls and get them perfectly straight?
Oh, it's not necessarily an easy process, perhaps because I am a perfectionist. I had to place walls next to the A or B sign, then place two doors on top of the A/B sign, then surround the skinny part on the A/B sign with two other doors. With a balancing act on the door part and a little luck, the signs go right in, geomerged perfectly. It's very time consuming and I would like to know any other better ways, if someone out there could tell me I'd appreciate it! Also, thanks for the comment...... =D
This does not sound like a fun casual games. Anyone can make a shooting range map in forge with a few freinds. Unoriginal. Just becuase you interlcked a little doesnt make it a good map or a fun map. I dont get why this is a casual map. It should be in the training map section if their is one. Maybe if you actually made it more original it would be better. But Ive seen these kinds of maps before, A LOT! And I disagree that interlcking can make a map great. If its not fun its not fun. And this was NOT fun. This map needs so much work that trying to fix it would take longer than trying to make a clean, fresh, new one. So when your making a map, TAKE your time, or no one will download it. 2/5 for relly unorginal and not fun. Ps. I read the map descriptions and I saw the pics. Like I said their are to many of these training maps or whatever you want to call them. I dont even have to try it because of that. You are being very negitive bc this is my opinion and not spam.
Um, I know that you are entitled to your own opinion but be specific on what I can fix. Also, this is a competitive map. I took 20 hours on this map, I really think you are spamming and you never read OR played this map. Please don't give me this crap that my map is worth a 2/5. If you post one crap map that you believe is good, expect a comment from me. I don't like it when people like you aren't considerate enough to even play the map they diss.
Just the fact that you lined up the guns that perfectly made my jaw drop. I have to give you props on that. 4.99999999/5
To be honest, this map is originality at it's peak. It is well forged, fun, exciting, and may actually provide great practice. But before I can make such wonderful accusations I will be sure to download your map myself. For now, your map receives a 9/10.
. Huh? I clicked the link and it's not on Bungie.net! I've been looking for one of these maps to! X_X
meh it looks decet. i could maybe make a better driving/shooting hybrid. maybe ill make a booster map pack or somthing original like that. but as for this its to over doe to be a dl ill rate it a 3/5 tho
How long did this take to make? The merging is amazing, but put to bad use. What is the point in this map? Sure, it looks good, but... Why? I'll DL it to see if it's fun. Sorry for shooting you down, it must have taken you days to make this...
The answer to the first question is in the map description, 20 plus hours. It's a good map, you just have to commit yourself to try it. I think one day I will go back and expand on it, perhaps make an infection map on it, I'm not sure...My geomerging was awesome at the time, so I felt like doing something special that would top all other maps. It is a good map, the vehicle range is all about precision, remember that when you play on it. Oh, and thanks for the comment.
This is a really good map, must have taken a long time to make. The whole map flows. 5/5 and I will download this.
I believe that the areas you are referring to are the ranges. You know, because you shouldn't really have a narrow area for a warthog and in a shooting range, the area in which your firing is suppose to be covered with junk =D. No, I filled up all necessary areas and more. Please examine maps carefully before you comment, thanks!
Amazing map. Thanks dude. I made a map for Spawnkilling. When you have an AFK guy in your party, you load it up and spawnkill him with everything. Even better with that instant respawn mod.