DeScope v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Cr0ok3d, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    This is the first map I have ever created so it is not going to be that good. I did use interlocking and it may look slightly messy but 'hey' you have very little to work with on Standoff and I tried to use whatever I could just to make this.

    Is a map particularly created for noscoping. It is a small box with 4 small branching off sections made on Standoff. This map is especially great if you want to work on you noscoping because the ground is a little uneven and it is in a smaller space where you have nowhere to hide. I was going to give it cover but that would take away from the point. Arena-based makes it so much harder to hide from opponents. This makes for very exciting gameplay.

    I know people will say, "How can you tell if they are noscoping?" Well if you don't believe them you can always go into Theater Mode and watch them to see if they are. I know this may be a waste of time unless you are in a serious game and really want to know if they did.

    Overview of what the map looks like.

    One area you can run to for a slight cover.

    The middle with the regenerator. It is left with no cover. If you want it you have to go get it.​

    Please comment on what you think of it!
  2. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    I think this idea has potential. It would be cool to have a map built simply for improving your no-scopes. Looks just a little too plain for me tho. I might try to make something similar to this on foundry and throw out a little cover. If I do you get some credit in the thread.
  3. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    I was thinking about adding cover but then I realized that it would be somewhat stupid. I also made this on Standoff for a reason. That reason being is that every single map is made on Foundry which has no creativity at all.
  4. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    I actually think you did quite a nice job lining up everything, and keeping it honor rules free. I also love that it involves no-scoping, a skill of mine ;).

    Keep up the good work.
  5. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    I love noscoping as well and this map works well for it.
  6. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    I dont see how a little bit of cover is dumb see'n how you dont exactly stand in the middle of any map and snipe, but hey, good idea none-the-less.
  7. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    now that you guys meantion it I think I will add cover.
  8. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    i LOVE noscope arena's! I have one that i havnt posted yet but noscope arena's are alot of fun. If i could i would d/l ur map but i cant... lol
  9. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    That's okay for right now anyways. I need to put "scenery" in I guess. Hopefully I can get that up by tonight.
  10. powersurge

    powersurge Guest

    Re: DeScope

    It looks alright. I might download and play test it a bit and see if you need any improvements, although I suck at no-scoping, but this could help me. Anyways, great idea, no so great presentation.
  11. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    Thanks for the input however, I am going to be posting a the new version of this tomorrow. I put some barriers in and hopefully that will change your opinions on this.

    PS- It is hard to put stuff in on a slanted terrain that plays well for the game. Every thing is too high and you cannot see over the top and it gets very crowded with all the objects. I do have a few of them in though, leaving the middle open for those who want the regenerator.
  12. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    Sweet! Finally a map that isn't forged on Foundry :).
  13. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: DeScope

    It was extremely hard to make on here. I ran out of stuff to use rofl and had to improvise. You can actually still get out of the map if you try. I ran out of everything possible.

    I just updated it last night. I have put a few barriers in the map for some cover, yet still leaving it open in the middle for what I want it for (noscoping).
  14. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Re: DeScope *Updated*

    Presentation issues aside (I honestly thought everything was explained pretty well considering it is a small and straight-forward map), I LOVE the idea of this map. I have downloaded both the map and game variants, and look forward to getting home to improve my skillz.

    And not to knock "deepmonkey paw" for his comment, but this map is not meant to simulate a "Real-life" game or anything close, it is meant specifically as a "Mini-Game" (we are in the mini-game forum, after all). Therefore a focus on a particular skill/weapon set is expected.

    The fact that there is NO COVER is a VERY GOOD THING. It allows the game to be played as it was intended, to focus, and improve upon, a specific skill.

    Cr0ok3d, I am wondering if you did indeed change the map by adding cover... No offense, but I like your original idea of NO COVER and will kindly remove the cover. Again, please don't take offense to this minor intrusion into your original (and I anticipate "great") map. All credit will always go to you!

    And major kudos for realizing that this was the perfect map to use for this. The slight curvature of the floor really emphasizes skill because this will make a difference between body and head shots (strafe-snipers beware!). This would extremely difficult and tedious in Foundry, and you saved yourself hours upon hours for what would have become an interlocking nightmare.

    I look forward to playing this map.

    --a dumb cat

    P.S. My first mini-game map is coming out this week. W00t!
  15. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: DeScope *Updated*

    Wow, thank you so much. I have played this many times with friends now but the thing I REALLY need to fix is the spawn points. You spawn facing each other everytime with no cover. I am thinking about putting cover inside the double boxes, like a shield door or something to prevent that. Spawning is hard to place in this map because of the way it is set up. I am working on it right now and will post it soon. I said I had it updated but actually I didn't lol. I never put it in my fileshare. So the map you are seeing is game is different than the one on this forum. I will fix that within the next day. That is my bad.

    EDIT: I have fixed everything now!
  16. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    If you need help, I am more than willing to. I don't want to brag but I know a thing or two about Forge. You don't have to give me any credit, either. Just one forger trying to help another actualize his idea...

    Send me a friend request when you get a chance, and make sure to mention that you are from FH so I accept it right away. That way I don't forget and am like, "FTW, who is this guy?"

    LOL, jk.

    --a dumb cat
  17. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    What are you talking about??!? I do not need any help with this map. I was asking you to redownload the updated version and tell me if it was better than the old one!
  18. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Okay, that's cool too... No need to yell, lol.

    It sounded like you were stumped by the spawning issue.

    No worries, dude. I will DL the update.

    --a dumb cat
  19. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Well, I wasn't mad or anything. My message didn't state that I needed you to help me 'learn' how to forge. It was asking if you could download the updated version since you made such a good post last time!
  20. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Like I said, its all good.

    The majority of my posts are in the "Forging 101" forum, so as you can see, I like to help.

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