I was bored and yeh. Took me about 2 and a half hours to make not that you care. It's not that great because I hit the item limit and run out of correct weapons so yah. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing comparison pic: hitler aang comments are welcome! or else.
your other pictures dont work....try and fix it, sounds cool, cuz i see the avatar dude like 0.o aaahh!!!
This looks pretty cool. Funny hitler one too. Though I would make the arow with guns, or make the spawn points look a little less sloppy. 4/5 and I like the hitler one!
Someone ought to get eguitarplayer in here. He might like it very much. Good job, you kept it in proportion. 8/10. Now do the rest of the body.
pritty cool im not rilly into this type of pics but i like the way you have copyed the pic nilly the exeact sae i like the little joke one sum reason reminds me of year 7s haveing a joke abought
lolz niiice.... avatar is a bit on the little kiddy side but I actually caught myself watching the last ten episodes.... In the first one you can see teh foot steps though
i would say "pwnsone",but its not the right word.the first one is well put together 4/5,and the second one is hilareus 7/5
Polished Lake you are my best friend now!! This thread is the best keep posting on it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a download link! btw there is a marathon of avatar on right now whipee!!
Well, I cant wait untill aang makes a picture of you on forge and posts it with a mustache making you look like hitler lol.
Yes everything he makes is amazing he made avatar, he is so nice!! But then made him look like hitler >_<