As many of you know, Bungie has released 30 new achievements. Before this, there were only 49 achievements that added up to 1000 gamer score. I easily got most of the new achievements ( I'll post tips at end of thread ) but not some of the older ones, such as overkill, two fore one, etc. So, after getting a couple achievements in legendary brawl, I went to change my armor. Surprisingly, I found The Katana chest piece and the marathon helemt, but only about 835 Gamer Score. So how can this be? After a brief observations, I have concluded that you do NOT need 1,000 gamerscore, but you DO need 49 achievements. Tips for Achievements 1. Play legendary brawl. you face pretty bad people and you get a chance to get avalanche which is filled with vehicles. A. MONGOOSE MOWDOWN-Try to get mosh pit on avalanche, get in a mongoose and plow STRAIGHT into someone who is in the middle of an AR or BR battle. You go straight so you get high momentum to ensure a quick and clean kill. B. ROAD RAGE- Get mosh pit or Brawl slayer on avalanche, drive a warthog towards any hill thats not in the caves. Get off, and head to the hog's turret and go for as many kills as you can, You only need 5 and you do NOT need a spree c.Splatter Spree- drive a mongoose towards the ghost and hop in. wait for a hill not in the caves and lay back. Turbo through the hil splattering people and turbo away, out of range. do NOT shoot or you will not surprise them and they will jump or stick you 2. Play lone wolves. Many people want achievements and unlike in brawl, theres not alot of people picking up your kills. A.Triple kill-Veto the map untril its KOTH on The Pit, if you veto and its not, sign out and sign back in, and try again. hop on a turret and kill anyone in the hill or going in. B. Overkill- same as above c. Killing Frenzy-same as above but dont stay on the turret, hop off and get the sniper rifle and camp at Snipe 2 ( top of snipe tower ) 3. OTHER, anything else A. Double Double-Play team swat and try to get blackout, most people spawn in the same place and make easy exterminations B. Came From Behind-play either swat or legendary brawl, find people who are pre-occupied scoping, not playing, or in a hog turret. these make easy assasinations C. Campaign-get four of you buddies to play legendary and you'll fly through. have one person stay back, 3 people rush and kill. D. Campaign scoring- play by yourself on NORMAL difficulty. Put on scoring FFA, and these skulls, catch, tough luck, tilt, thunderstorm. ALWAYS headshot grunts and jackals, and stick brutes. Headshotting grunts gets about 100 pts each and sticking brutes is about 400-500 each 4. Play with friends or people who want achievements. A. Do NOT sign in guests that dont play, you will get banned B. you WILL get banned for changing languages C. Arrange something where everyone gets the achievement, and offer to go third or last. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are just tips on how I got my 49/79, I do not Boost, Cheat, Hack in anyway and I do NOT encourage it. This was made for people who need help with the katana, and I will never steal any tips or information that isn't mine. Sincerely, Burnin BR
another easy way to get the new achievments including soon to be myhtic maps is to go in dlc ffa with 7 other ppl(maybe six) and try to get a ledgendary map then just do acchievments there on account of you can talk and in ranked ffa you cant.
Those are horrible tips for achievements! You're encouraging people to quit games just because they don't get the maps they want, sign out and signing back in is the same as quitting, you'll still lose experience. And you won't get banned for changing languages. Some people really do speak those languages, believe it or not. The banning system is a lot more complex than just 'if they play in this language they must be boosting/cheating'. Anyway... I would have thought you could only get the Katana for the original achievements, I suppose its coded in to the game as 49 achievements, seeing as that was all of them.
Bungie has. I have 4 of the new achievements, missing only overkill, and no katana. you need the originals. sorry guys.
i just remembered all the poeple who got the katana and with the new acheivments do not take it off you will only lose it
it's cause bungie fixed it. you can't get it at all now, if you don't have the original ones. It's still the only way to get it. some people already have the 7 on 7 one. there was a way to glitch the system into thinking it was the 7th, but they fixed that to. heres a link to a thread explaining that you do still need the originals.
My friend was continuously changing his back to english after getting achievements and got banned, and secondly, I know signing out makes you lose exp but its quicker than waiting for the game, I only encourage quitting if you want the achievements fast, if you care for your lonewolves rank then you obviously wont quit, and lastly those tips are only for how I got my achievements, I told my friends these and they got them EASILY, dont just read and criticize it, it's easier than it sounds.
Honestly I dont think its fair that the ones that worked word getting all the achievements leveling down on lone wolves just to achieve them. And everyone else skips the hard ones and just partys up and gets the easy ones. Like me I went down 4 in lone wolves just focusing on getting the mongoose mowdown. Im not complaining against you, that is a helpful post because people are getting banned and they dont know what they are doing wrong.
Awsome! I didn't know that. I will start tomorraw at my friends house. =] He will be happy....(He kills for the katana).
I must be lucky, because I have 45/49 achievements and not all of the originals and I have marathon and Katana. I do have over 1000 GS though
...but you don't get the katana. you NEED the originals. I have 4 of the new ones, and no katana. I'm missing overkill only.
do you have the originals? once live is up ill show you my achievements to my gamer profile. you will clearly see that i have all but overkill, and i have double double, defend this, it came from behind, yet still katana. if you have the originals, of course you will have the katana.
Take a look for yourself. He doesn't have all the original achievements but does indeed have katana. You may be experiencing the bug that Bungie is already aware of.