I'm making one right now. It's basically supposed to be a flooded structure of some kind. I have boxes pushed into the floor and into the walls, as crooked as can be, and none of my walls are straight. I'm basically trying to create an atmosphere. So what do you guys think about intentionally sloppy maps? Every map I've made up until now has had everything straight and perfect with no unseemly gaps. This map, which has actually taken me quite some time to finish, is probably going to be the most fun one I've made yet. Would it be distracting to you to play a map like that, even if you knew it was done intentionally to create atmosphere?
Take everything that makes you mad about bad map and incorporate them all into yours. Maybe put all of the spawns facing a corner or a wall, that sort of thing!
Lol chron... no i think that if you actually pull it off and do it right, it would be fun to play. i guess the key would be to actually create the atmosphere, so when players come into the map they dont think "guh this is teh slops" instead they think "oh cool it is a _____"
sounds cool,i for one am never put off a map simply because of how it looks,only by how it plays. and when your testing it feel free to invite me i'm in the tester guild
If you pull this off then sloppy could be the new black. I certainly have an OCD relationship to my forging so I would never be able to cope with making a "sloppy" map. Good luck and I hope you manage to create that special atmosphere . I'll be on the look out for this project!
You should make a listing ship, like in the first level of call of duty. that could be pretty fun. Make it at the right angle so that you can walk up it but crates slowly fall down the geometry is always changing. :squirrel_wink:
You don't have to make everything straight as long as the atmosphere add to the aesthetics. A friend of mine couldn't figure out interlocking so he said, "I'm making a really sloppy map on purpose. Everyone is making neat maps, so mine is going to stand out because it's so sloppy." Sloppy by itself is bad. But if there is a reason for it and the map is better because of it, then go for it.
As long as there's a method behind the madness, go for it. I'll check it out for sure. Sloppiness towards a purpose is something completely different than just being a lazy twit. Good luck, man...
I think it could be pretty cool if you pull it off right. Like you could make part of the ceiling fallen down on a box so you are able to jump on the fallen ceiling piece and then up to the second floor. Stuff like that, add a purpose to some of the sloppyness and it could be great.
It sounds like a great idea.... this would create a sweet zombie map. It could be a hal-destroyed house. Or a broken dam thats "flooding" a town. The zombies could spawn on the other side of the dam, and crates could be "closing" the dam. Then, the zombies have to brake through the crates and find a half destroyed town with only a few survivors... Holy awesome! That would be a sweet map!
someone you should definately talk to is url00,he made a map called the junkyard which altho wierd looking(its a ton of random-or is it?-stuff thrown around with mancannons teleporters)is suprisingly fun. he might be able to give you some pointers on how to go about starting your "sloppy" map.cuz frankly i dont see how he could have map the junkyard just throwing stuff about....or could he :S
im sure there are people whod like it a lot, but i would definitely find it distracting. i like right angles and symmetry.
I'm putting the finishing touches on it tonight (spawn points, etc.). I haven't tested it yet so I don't know how well it plays, but it definitely has a unique atmosphere, IMO. I have a "creek" running down the middle of it made of sideways shield doors. It's blocked off by barriers in various places so it looks like someone tried to contain the water. The boxes look like they're sinking into the ground because of the moisture. I'll probably try to test it out sometime this week when I have time. I'll let you guys know.
sounds good,give us pics btw to repeat what i said,when your testing it feel free to invite me,im always up for custom games ...matchamkings a drag at this stage
---------------------------WARNING THIS IS A POINTLESS AND IMMATURE POST----------- Woohoo ive been quoted *does a little dance