Take, Make, or Break the drop on Sidewinder! This race track will test your handling! -Desgin- This race track was created to test a drivers skill at handling banked, turned, drops! This race course has 3 circles! The first is the 45 degree banked curve, the jump and the bounce. The second is the double grav lift and drop, then the "Jimmy" lift to the top. The third in the intense drop to the bottom floor into the bounce doors and past the RK monument! -Game Types- The first game type is called AnF Racing! This game type inlcludes 10 points to win with 10 second intervuls. I do not like the way lap racing go's so all of my tracks have 3 go to points, making this a battle race with no guns! Download AnF Racing! -Notes- This race track is a bit tricky so you will have to practice a bit to get good at it! This race track took me around 6 hours to make! Also watch out for the start, the man cannons may push you off if you are not carefull! -Map- Download the map Sidewinder! http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=58337763 -Pictures-These are the start before the doors open and after the doors open!This is the drop off and an overview!This is the 45 degree banked turn and the ramp!This is the medium drop and the grav lift 1!This is the drop after grav lift 2 and the "Jimmy" lift!This is the top of the map and THE DROP!This is the return and the RK monument! -Video- Watch the video for Sidewinder! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyllKOCDknw -Map- Download the map Sidewinder! http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=58337763 -Author- This map was created by: AnF Ryan
i dot get were the map isgoing. i knowthat its a race track but i cant seem to see the layout. try spacing your pics out a little more.
the map looks cool and all but I suggest you don't use white or yellow as text colors because people who use the old school style can't see it.
I suggest you add a scoring system and a anti cheating one, like putting teleporters and man cannons or grav lifts over a VIP point at the end of the track so you do a certain amount of laps until someone wins. Oh and I love the soccer ball tower!
Heh heh, a while back, I made a map called Sidewinder, and it was on Foundry and it was a racemap too! This looks like a good map. The interlocking looks good and it must have tooken a long time. I would like some more pictures to know where all the turns and other things are. But it looks quite easily escapable and difficult. I see parts of things that look like track but then I see you ramping off some of it instead of continueing. Oh hold-on, I didn't see the video until just a second ago. Sorry. That helped a lot. But the map still lokks hard. It also looks fun too! I liked the aesthetics you added. 4/5
Wow this is a great racetrack. Best 1 ive seen today. All of my friends who try to make race tracks dont put time into it
looks a little...ummm...undone in a way, like the bridges and things-they are left to have people shoved off the edges-you just put traffic cones, but since all mongooses go the same speed, there is a lot of pushing to the side- looks like you could fall off everywhere... you could have used shield doors and walls, but you wasted them on making "monuments" of your name and random soccer ball jumblers-thats kinda useless and a waste of needed material
wow this is really good.. nice map... i love the bumped turn idk if ive seen that along w/ the nice layout... the part where u jump tho might get confusing... maybe... use floating tele porters for guides... the map looks a little crazy tho i love the aesthetics nice job amazing track... def. 5/5
the reason that there r no sidewalls is to make the track harder, dont do just get boring being able to do the possible, why not excell at an impossible track!?
Looks very good to me. Very ggood interlocking as well. However, I just wanted to point out that the name might lead people to believe that this is a Sidewinder (Avalanche) remake.
this is one of the few good racemaps i've seen on foundry! very nice job!, it has the cool twists and turns and stuff, 5/5
the one thing i suggest is removing the traffic cones, they r pointless and really just clutter the map. its my opinion, u dont have to take it, but halotracks did recommend it
It looked at first a little, um, just it didn't looj very interesting. But after looking at all the pics, it looks great! I hope this gets featured!
Cool! This map looks put together very well, and looks exactly like the kind of map that I have been waiting for. You definitely have my download! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!