I was inspired by the Pacific Raid gametype and the Pearl Harbor game. This is a massive map that has a fully armed ship that defends against ships attempting to plant bombs on the ship. It still needs some tweeking but he's some action shots. So far Its a big success. Edit: I still use the gametype that the origional Pearl Harbor Map used. It's Pacific Raid. I can't take any credit for that. Edit: There is also a bottom deck to defend against bansees and hornets coming in low I'll realease next week
He doesnt really need more pics since this is not a map he is posting its just a preview of a map he is going to post, please do not spam up threads. Ok looks nice zach I really like it, are you going to make a CTF varient or infection varient to do with it or what?
This isn't the real map yet its a sneak preview Read. And so far it looks well made, maybe have something to make players stay in the warthogs and such. Idk, lawl
wtf? I just played this map the other day ago...I can't remember who I played it with. Are you sure this is your map?
This map is way too similar to a map I've played before. I really don't want to, but I think it's just a little to different to be called stolen. If I get many more complaints though, I'm gonna lock.
This looks almost exactly like Nemihara's (I think it's his) Pearl Harbor map... hmm. I'll have him look at it.
I've played this exact map, I'll I have to find it. I am sure that this was the same map, on the other side their is a huge wall. Which banshees and hornets fly out of, also their is an upside down sender that leads to turrets underneath. I Am also not referring to pearl Harbor, I played this version.
I think everyone's referring to the map Pearl Harbor by Blakem0n92, which you can find at: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/8662-pearl-harbor.html And Nemi my great-great-grandfather also died attacking that ship. /notrly
Okay, I'm jumping to the defense of my friend here. For one, the concept of a floating platform/ship in the sky isn't exactly something new. Several ships have been made in the aerial space of Avalanche, and no one's blown the "HOMGBOBZCOPYCAT" whistle on half of them. While I'll admit that this map does bear similarities to Blakemon's Pearl Harbor map, I must also point out some fundamental differences. First of all, Zachary's platform rests much higher in the air than Blakemon's, and is shaped a lot differently. I don't care who you are, but copy-pasting in Forge is impossible (wouldn't we all love it if it weren't?), and even if it were, the structure of Zach's ship is a lot different. While Blakemon used boxes and bridges for the body and deck, Zachary appears to have composed the outer shell of the main structure primarily out of Ramps (which Blakemon only used at the "front" and "back" of the ship), and seemlessly-interlocked double boxes. There is also the fact that Zachary's forging reflects much more mature and developed techniques than are reflected in Blakemon's map, both in interlocking and floating. Additionally, Besides this, Zachary actually admitted to gaining his inspiration from Blakemon's map, so it's not like he's claiming it's 100% original. To be on the safe side, Zach, I would link to the maps that you drew inspiration from, just so no one raises the red flag at you when you do post it. It might also be worth the effort of seeking the approval of anyone who made said maps. In either case, I look forward to playing it. Looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. EDIT: @Zach, sorry I didn't show up for the invite. Even though I can access Live here now, the connection is gonna be crap for another couple weeks until our network admin finalizes the upgrade to a ten-times-faster connection...
Stats From Game Ok this was the same game I played the other day ago, I am assuming Zachary's gamertag is ZakAttack? Ask Murdock he was playing and remembered. I know their is not picture of the ship, but this was the stats from the game.
Trust me this is my map, I did use ALOT of ideas from the Pearl Harbor map, but I completelyt built this from the ground up ( or air up). I have shown this to many people in the tester guild and alot of my friends, so if it is the same, they probably are showing you my map. I promise this is my map, I will admit its not my idea though, it was Blakmons Pearl Harbor that inspired me.
Woah, dude; way outta line for what's been given in this topic. This map, from the pictures we were given, looked almost exactly like the Pearl Harbor map in question, and we were just looking out to see if this was stolen or not. I'm sure it isn't by the way you're defending it and the fact that you are crediting the original map, but we're not coming down on this map at all - we're simply making sure nothing is violating the rules. We aint' blowing no unoriginality whistle, we're just doing our jobs.
I really like your ship, man. Did you ever consider making all the boxes the same color though? That's my only gripe. But that's tiny. Otherwise, it looks great. Keep workin! P.S. Domiboy's quote: "I'm 13 and I almost have a girlfriend." LOLLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOL.
Your "almost exactly" is exactly the point I was challenging, because I was able to derive those paragraphs from just looking at the pictures a bit more closely. I'll admit, my defense was long and wordy, but that's just the way I am. It takes me a good fifty words to say something that would take a "normal" person no more than five. But it's a done deal now. Sorry if I've offended. ^_^