Indeed he is. Face it, retards will do retarded things. You did a retarded thing, this makes you a retard. I can understand you'd be pissed, I mean everything you bought of the Marketplace is gone now. Sure, but it's not life ending...
Also it keeps having a black screen and and like im getting killed out of nowhere. Fine ya I know Im such a dumbass for what I did.OK OK
siriously..... guys, if your not smart enough to understand, his lag makes it EXTREMLY hard to win, cause hes having the black screen, it may be his fault fot losing it, he was desprite.
Listen to the man! OP - You're pretty much saying that you ruined your life because of lag and your extreme want of a high rank. Thats not ruining your life. Like Reyn said earlier, people go through much harder stuff than this. Grow the **** up. Its your fault for giving it away. Live with it. Saying that this ruined your life warrants a giant **** you. You earned any insults people throw your way.
Thanks man, at least you understand. But to all other ppl viewing, STOP INSULTING. I know what I did was soooo stupid and wrong. People make stupid mistakes!!
i cant believe what ive just read through these 5 pages. to the original poster, what you have done is ridiculous, to give away your account like that. but then to come on here and complain that youve been "hacked" when in fact you personally gave out all information needed is madness. and then, to go even further into insanity you said its ruined your life. as the other people have said, you have absolutely no concept of what a ruined life is. and now youre going to phone microsoft up?! ... this is ridiculous my advice to you, is to think before you do something, very hard, then when you make a mistake, dont blame everyone but yourself, you are completely to blame, its no ones fault but your own
Although all this, 'it's your own fault' talk just makes the person who took his account feel better about themselves. It gives them an excuse to continue doing it... Which isn't a good thing. Just because stealing candy from a baby is easy, doesn't mean you should do it.
Um, no he doesnt understand. And nor does he understand how to type as there were several spelling and grammatical errors in Darkdragon's post. So because of your lag, you decided you wanted to put up a front that you did not have lag and that you could progress to 50 very fast. Who exactly were you doing this for? Say you wanted to deposit some money but you were unable to find a machine, would you think it suitable to give someone your card and PIN number and ask them to bring back some money for you? No you wouldn't. There is no way to justify your obsession and stupidity in this situation. This thread deserves to be locked to prevent you from humiliating yourself.
Too late. Although it was warranted, it turned into a bushfire pretty quickly. To surmise my oppinion before lock: OP - You did something dumb. Grow up. Its not your life ruined. Don't even try comparing something so trivial to having a life ruined. LOOOCKK!!