The map named in my sig has taken on a new shape. What was called "Conquest" has been renamed "The Aztecs." Those interested should check back here anywhere from mid-October to mid-November. I will add a link to this thread. Here is a banner I made for it: I would also like to add that Hot Persuit! is still a work in progress but do not lose sleep over it. Even though it is extremely sexy, i mean a whole new level of sexy, even above Chuck Norris which is hard to beat.
Please, do not make a thread "advertising" your maps. If you want to have a source for people to go to to see how your map is progressing, please, just post a blog. Do not post in in Forge Discussion, cause there really isn't anything to discuss.
Oh, sorry. I didn't know where to post this, but at least it wasn't posted as a map, rofl. Btw, if i did not explain, this is a map i will be releasing within the next two months, give or take.