I played one bomb on it with you yesterday at my friends house and the one sided gameplay can easily be compared with Headlong! I found MOST spawns were good and I couldn't find any flaws or places that demote the gameplay. I found everything was great!
I had a great time testing this with you over 50 times and even though we played it for over an hour and a half, it was worth it. The geo merging in this map was stupendous and I really loved how well the map flowed. I downloaded it and there is absolutely no way to get out of this map. Everyone knows this is on the Hub Pub and will get featured so huzzah to you paulie walnutzz.
this is quite win sauce paulie. it plays a million times better this time around, and i like the minor aesthetic changes you've made as well.
Looks amazing. The main building, wow. Overpass + Crane = WIN! I always wanted to make a clock, but now I see 1. DL
Awesome map. From the looks of it, this map has that headlong/turf feeling to it. The clocktower looks as thought making it was very time consuming. This is a download for sure. Great everything. 5/5
thanks, i really improved spawns and gameplay thank you good sir im glad to hear that thanks i wanted to really make it alot better feel free to use the design in thr future i was aiming for that feel thanks
^ i know right? lol i played this dude, its pretty sweet and alot better than the last one haha i like the flag games the best, its suspenful lol nice job on another well made map
thanks but in the future make your postes longer and more detailed cause what you posted is cosidered spam thank you my friend, one flag seem to be evryones favorite and mine to play, im glad you enjoy it =]
I must say, tex, that was pretty epic for a video. Anyways, I don't have the time now, but I'll write a mini-review when I get home.
Guess who's back Polly! But really its me just wanted to say that you did a great job on this map and i also wanted to say hi
Alright Paulie, here's the mini-review for your map (Metro v2). Aesthetics: Now, even a blind person can see how beautiful this map is. The way you've utilized the whole urban theme in Metro is amazing. This is the most urban map I've seen. Your clock-tower, highway-ramp, three-story warehouse like building, and other various urban towers. Everything is interlocked nicely, and the geomerging is good as well. So for aesthetics you get a 10/10. Just because it's spews awesomesauce. Layout: The layout is pretty decent, you've crampt a lot into the small-ish map and made it feel much more big. Having a few ways into the warehouse was a nice idea, and the shoot by the clock-tower is a pretty nifty idea. Using the actual crane to be just that was pretty witty as well. The only thing I noticed a bit plain about the layout is the back area of Foundry (attackers base). Seems that if you're there its either because you spawned there, chased someone back there, or you're cappin' a flag. Now --I'm sure if you had this set up for KotH then I'm sure there's a hill there (and if not then that might be a thing to look forward to). You also might have a power weapon there (like a sniper?) but I'm not too sure... I didn't generally avoided that area and noticed that so did others. So for layout you get a 8/10 since you've got a minor area to where the fighting doesn't generally flow into. Gameplay/Weapons/Spawns: Usually I break up Gameplay, Weapons, and Spawns, but since this is a mini-review this'll have all three. Now, I'll just say this now, I'm basing this off of a multi-team game with four teams. So it's most likely that gameplay is way better for one-flag and other various two team game types (and 4v4-5v5 team slayer/king/oddball/etc.). Anyways! Yeah, I must say it wasn't that bad at all. Very few Foundry maps can pull off multi-team. I must say there were a few problems but that was mostly because of the size of the party; people spawning in other peoples viewing site, errr, well I guess that was the only real one. So yeah, I was with Iv0ry Snak3 and we were both on purple team (which we should of been on orange since that is 4th team) but we both agreed that if someone who hasn't played this (and maybe for those who played it, but not that much) could easily get lost. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but it could prove to be problematic for a team to work with. The spawns worked ok, and I don't think you can work out a better one. The weapons seemed fair, nothing really overpowered much which is good. So for Metro; multi-team was alright, and I'm sure it'd be pretty fun for CTF, KotH, and Assault. So for gameplay/spawns/weapons you get a 7/10. Overall: Overall, I think you've got an amazing looking map. But the amazing look kind of lowers the gameplay. I think even though this map leans more towards looks than gameplay, it's not that far off of gameplay. So over all I give Metro v2 a 8.3/10; for an awesome urban map, and decent gameplay.
that is an epic video thanks =] thanks and hi! thanks i id quite a few changes to make the map alot better thanks for the good review =D thanks, i reccomend 1 flag =D
I WANT A MOTHER ****ING CRACKER AS WELL! Awesome map... I trust vorpal and if he says gameplay is so so then thats too bad. I still really look forward to playing this!