Hello everyone from Forgehub it's me zimsd619 posting my first "racetrack" map and I always make racing maps but couldn't find a place to share them! Now I can share them here and you can vote and tell me what you think! Download Link (Recommended): Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype (Recommended): Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Movie: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pictures: Starting and Finish and off the left is the spawn and bikes! Overview. Fun pic/Hallway. Hope you all enjoy zTrack as much as I did! Some of my friends said that they liked it and wanted to have it!
he is right thats not a nice thing to say about someones first race map. if you make another i recommend using the glitch that makes sheild doors float it might not be the best track ever but at least people will know you put effort into it.
It dosen't NEED interlocking First try working on actually straightening up areas and making sure everything is aligned, this will do almost as much for your map as interlocking will. Interlocking would be nice though
this seems pretty good. I just suggest you put grav lifts or mancannons at the check point. it makes it honor rule free. please try to not listen to UNconstructive criticism. I will send you a PM about a forum I prefer.
I think that you should be the one to go off forgehub and also now!, post usefull things that he can use to improve the map and don't go shouting randomly up against noobs, reported. btw to the OP, your map is good and rides nice, though it's cheatable and has no interlocking, we all know that interlocking is not needed to make a racetrack, though it is needed if you wanna have a good one, so please try to make a v2 with the next things: -an anti-cheating system to get rid of the honor rules -good interlocking to let it be smooth and looking nice. -geo-merging in some points maybe to make it better and smoother. Edit: for the other players, stop spamming posts in here, give him good advice or a friendly comment
I, for one, would like to say good job on a correct first post! Not many people get it right their first time. I won't waste any time saying stuff about the map, cus i agree with everyone else. (except people who leave annoying, unhelpful comments)
i got to say i i don't like race tracks and the is one of the reasons why you put no effort in to making it is way to sloppy sorry to be so mean on a first post.....
I didn't really care about the looks just the track but it's fun Trust me! Edit: I will try to get more pics when XBL get back up and running!
i think this map is pretty good. most race maps are just walls and boxes. but i think that the grav lifts and mancannons make it interesting. its a bit sloppy tho. alright for 1st race map
very sloppy, next time, please use more and better interlocking. the basic design looks good, but the layout is not so good... i hope im making since lol
looks good but it would be nicer if you gave us a play-by-play of the race. but from the general pics, it looks pretty good
im sure it is fun but you need to show us that with something that really makes it stand out and look great, that is what interlocking will help with and try usibg double boxes to get you walls straight and that should really help you out
I would get a youtube video up but I can't Why? 1. No camrea 2. DLC maps arent working when XBL is offline!