Code Name [UnderGround] History: Hundreds of years ago, according to carbon dating, on the world known as Onyx this was a spartan training ground for the unknown Spartan III's. this of course assumed as we found a MJOLNIR armor Suit. it is believed to have been abandoned when they discovered that the world was actually a forerunner installation. this training ground has been reactivated and now trains UNSC soldiers. Since this place was found Several feet below the earth by scanning heat signatures it was granted the codename [Underground] UnderGround is a slayer map. it is my latest map and since i don't release maps i myself can play it online for at least an two hours everyday for a week. this is i think is more than worthy of being released to the public. {[<Description>]} the bottom level is equipped with vehicles that unlike other foundry created maps, are useful as they can bombard the middle level with bullets and plasma bolts. From the bottom level you can also enter the middle level comprised of rooms and long always via stairs or gravlift. this is where the majority of close range combat takes place. this level is equipped with all matter of weapons (Posted Below). but you can take it further as their are parts in the wall that you can throw grenades out at incoming veicals or bombard players walking across. Finally we come to the top level which i have nicknamed the "roof". it is accessible by a single stair case from the middle section of the level or via grav lift on the lower level by a dumbster. this level does not have very many weapons aside from snipers and fire grenades. this also has ventilation shafts you can use to drop down into the middle section to ambush your enemies. Now something most players do not realize is that i put a rocket luncher in all my levels usually in difficult places to get to. so here is the location of the rocket launcher. it is located on the "roof" near the window side of foundry. it is on top of a (forgetting what they are called) three giant crates only accessible via grav lift. Inventory Battle rifle X6 Carbine X6 Needler X2 Plasma rifle X4 SMGSX6 SpikerX4 Plasma pistol X2 Maler X4 Shot Gun X3 Bruteshot X2 Fuel Rod X1 (only in team games and only 2 clips) rocket luancher X1 (only in team games only 1 clip) Snipers (Alien and human) X2 All 3 Power ups 2 Ghosts 2 Warthogs Enough Granades if you find something you think is off please tell me and I'll fix it. Pictures/screenshots Update: Merging on the roof was finally seccessful after three hours. Update: took away venalation shafts and replaced them with just two road blocks each. this has left a hole but you can still fall in and ambush the enemy. Update: I moved the fuel rod to a more difficult area than it was from. Update: I straightend some of the walls, all the ones i found. Update: Fixed some floors in the middle level. Update: Moved the power ups from the bottom level to the second level. Update: Removed 1 Ghost and the warthog with the cannon thing (forgot what it was called. Update: Made the rocket luancher and the fuel rod respawn every 3 minutes and only have one clip. Update: 2 snipers have been removed (one human one alien) and have had their ammo cut Update: I have replaced 2 of the mualers with Carbines (those were distributed throught the map). Update: Added some walls near the window side as the non window side had unfair defense at the begining. Update: Added a few more respawn points. Download This Map
Straighten some objects out on the map, also, if this is an inside based map, post screenshots from the inside, and not from the outside. Maybe Interlock more and show us more pictures.
Hey, You might want to edit this map and make an updated version or a V2 on this map. I can see Unstraight walls, No interlocking or merging anywhere. Also, Why is the map called Underground? Things need to be interlocked and the roof could look a little better!! Seriously, There's WAY too many power weapons/vehicles on this map. There's 2 ghosts, 3 warthogs, (Both different versions) 4 Snipers,2 shotgun's, 4 Maulers (You spelled that wrong) and also, all 3 power ups and a fuel rod and rocket launcher is a little too much. Hey, I see that you wrote that you don't know any Forging 101 methods. To learn to forge like a pro Click on this blue writing Please I hope that this help's you. -Hitman
Its no offense, very sloppy maybe if you read more things in the forging 101 section you could make this ten times better. for now though 2/5
alright i am going to spend the next week fixing this "rough" Map. i will hopefully have the next version out by next week. as for the spelling i didn't know how to spell them as i was not using my xbox at time of post. and as for the power ups having all three is not over powered. the first one is the overshield the second is the active camo and the third is the custom power up. the rockets are in difficult places to get to not out in the open. the shotguns are placed at different areas and on different level thoughout the map. i do admit there might be a bit to many maulers which i will replace with other weapons as i found i had 6 and not 4. and my last comment/ question is did you download the map before you gave this critisism? if not then download it and play it before you cast judgements. a map should be jugded by how well it runs not by just its looks, which are great, but sometimes a bit impossible when you run out of object you can place.
UnderGround Version 2.1 Here is the updated link. It is much better i do admit than the older one. anyway the older one is still on my fileshare but that is for you to go to and not for me according to the rules of the forum to provide a link. Download Map
It plays nice and i see some interlocking, but i think some parts could look a bit better. the triangle shapped part of the roof should be interlocked with the walls so someone cant snipe through that little gap. and the top part, that little time can be walked on. i think you should block it off. other than that it looks good 4/5