its hard enough making one of these in real life, but in a video game. unfortunetly idk how to embed videos, but it won't kill you to click this link will it. RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINE also, i have a little challange for everyone. can you make a halo, rube goldberg machine, let the competition begin. also, there might be a reward for the winner, but the real prize is just watching these things. if you do make one, please post it HERE, at the offical page for the contest, and try to use gamevee if possible
I made a short suicide machine once, wasn't that great but it was really funny. Message me if you want to see it.
ya i saw that, but that was before foundry, and its kinda short, i wanna see how creative everyone can get with theres.
That was interesting. Whoever made it has definitely got some spare time. A halo version would be very challenging thought because a lot of objects are stationary.