Narroughs I pretty much left the initial lay out of narrows the same, although I did replace the plasma pistols with a pair of firebomb grenades. I also replaced the rocket launcher with a shotgun and added more fusion coils in the middle. The big change to this map is that I built a new bridge on the bottom that connects both sides. Watch your step though, the bridge is crossible but it's bit rickety...too much action could send you to your doom. Applicable Variants - All original Narrows variants remain in the same position. ________________________________________________________________ Other maps Divine Wind The Trainyard ________________________________________________________________
Whoa, thats an impressive bridge! I've never thought of adding that to Narrows! 2 things: 1. How long did it take to make thebridge? 2. How much does it affect gameplay?
Does this chane gamplay?? The bridge in the middle is pretty cool but i think bungie didnt make one for a reason.... o well i dl later and try it out.
Here's the problem with a lot of your changes. These are based off of my sole opinion, but probably apply to many other players too. First off, firebombs are an overpowering grenade and are very easy to stick with, ending up in making gameplay more confusing and not as fun. Secondly, a rocket has four shots, that you have to aim out right to get a kill with. The average player only gets about 2 - 3 kills with a full rocket. Now with a shotgun, not only does it encourage camping, it also has much more ammo and clips than a rocket. If the user of the shotgun DOES camp, the kills can stack up to every bullet the shotgun contains. It's great you decided to make a version of narrows that you enjoyed more but would the bridge really help gameplay, or make the gameplay more frusterating. If a player was on the bridge, they would be completely exposed to shots from the sides and above, along with players going over the man cannon. So why would they take that path instead of taking the more safe energy bridge and sniper areas? Adding the pallet bridge could also make gameplay less competitive by making it easier to sneak around on the map to make flag/bomb captures/plants. This can make it less fun, considering narrows already has three main ways of getting across the map. I admire your time to take the time to make a version of narrows that appeals to you, but you've got to question gameplay also. One thing I suggest you could do is use the pallets to make jump-up platforms around the maps where you think there should be jump-ups. Good luck. Main Point: The bridge isn't useful because you are exposed, and it's only two extra steps to go a more safe way. Btw, if you pronounced "Narroughs" right, it would sound like "Nar - Ruffs" lawl.
i actually like it. but it wouldnt be good for a small amount of players. it would be good if there were like 4-5 pll on each team. thats a lottt of pallets! good job
Looks very fun! It deffinintly looks like most of the action takes place here. It looks cool too. And its destructable, so you fall and get mad? Awsome. lolz. 4.5/5 and I will replace Narrows with it. lolx
I think the reason is that the bridge is intentionally rickety but also because a bridge of crates would be harder to build, you would continuously knock off crates causing you to restart.
awesome! anonther bridge on narrows? that must make the gameplay alot different for all game styles! i'll download and check it out!
The map looks ausome and was making the bridge hard. Is the bridge the only thing You put on the map. If it is the map is still ausome cause the bridge is really ausome
An interesting feature and you should be commened for trying something different and forging on a non dlc map is getting sadly rare so good work. However as nothing else major has changed its just a feature,try setting yur weapon/objective points so that the bridge is at least invovled and offers a reason for players to use it. Still at lest its somthing I haven't seen before which is increasingly rare try adding spike grenades there great for shredding pallets
You're entitled to your opinion, and you're probably right. I built the bridge because it seemed like an original idea. I didn't focus on gameplay as much. The only problem I have with your statement was this; I suggest you brush up on your English. Here's a couple words you should become more familiar with, though (not pronounced thuff), thorough (not pronounced tho-ruff), although (not pronounced al-thuff). If you'd like, as an English major and professional writer I can go into detail as to why that is? Or you could try not pretending to know everything.
1 your should focus on gameplay more so then aesthetics because Gameplay>aesthetics 2 rofl english language fail
1. It took a few days and a lot of patience. 2. Not too much, I think it will still play like the regular Narrows with an extra more dangerous route. 1. The only reason I added it to competitive maps was because it is actually playable. It is a concept map and it is original, the rest I could care less about. For everyone that says it should be built better...then build it better or shut up. 2. What? Thanks. This is a concept map, I have never actually played it with other people. When it comes to gameplay, check out my other maps. I don't know, perhaps it doesn't change gameplay. But as far as Bungie goes. I think most people will agree that their maps suck. Talk about half-assed playability.
As right as TNF is on most points, I still like it. It's a new, interesting idea put on a map that didn't have much forging capability. And, as long as the pallets have quick respawns (QUICK, not instant, like 10 secs), it's not too much of a bother anyway. But that's part of the inherent fun of a pallet bridge; a well placed shot or grenade sends your opponent tumbling to his doom! It also has very good cover on top, provided by the original bridge. All in all, I like it. I don't know or care why I like it, I just do. 5 / 5 for extraordinary creativity/innovation. I think TNF was referring to the word "rough" when he tried to pronounce Narroughs. Rough (ruf) Thorough (thurow) Additionally, I believe that the incongruity shown above is why xSharpshooter94 said that the English language fails.
This looks very cool and original but I dont see it changing up play much, or at least it being worth taking it. I would still like to give you lots of credit for pulling it off, Really really nice work. Gives me ideas for other things. plus for you...
I just barely had enough sender and two way teleports, and I had to use every channel. I tried using receivers but they just wouldn't hold the pallets.