MY (fake) ARMOR I got bored so i made some armor using basic Microsoft paint. COMMENT PLZ I like this! I put an elite shoulder on MC body Elite shoulder and wierd shoulder the shoulder on the right is a long scout shoulder with a little metal piece in it. head is half recon MC body w/ knife My guy with half recon head and spikes on left shoulder Hope you liked them! Want more? Comment. All made by SoLo92
I think this belongs in Graphics n Arts.... Anyways, not bad... the shoulders are a little rough but overall they are pretty good!
I'm loving them dude. The last one is by far the best so I'd suggest to just stick to that one. Also maybe you should ask for a mod to move it to graphic arts.
wow to do that in paint.. is that amazing or not? i dont know.... but i love the look of the recon/EOD as well. EOD is my signature headgear for halo
^^^ Whats wrong with you? Anyways, at first I thought you used that turret glitch to make the armors. But you used paint?!?! Amazing, I could probably do that in photoshop, but crappier. And you did it in paint. Wow. Good skills right there.