Yeah, some armor behaves funny, and the way that is sure to get you the armor is to get all of teh achievements. My EOD armor was glitched and I had to beat the entire game again.
Well I had unlocked the Hayahusa armor set. But my xbox got RROD and when I got it back and plugged in the hard drive again my hayahusa was gone along with my skulls in campaign mode and it said I hadn't done the 4 middle levels. Even though I had the achievements for all the skulls and most of the campaign scoring ones.
Hang on!! I just saw an article that sparked an idea in me... I may have to get at least 49/79 achievements! I don't know but I will find out when I get there!
Okay... I have 43 but idk.... Workin on campaign scoring! I should have it on Wednesday so I guess I will post if I get it or not then...
From the Bungie FAQ page about all the new update stuff: I've got 995 of the 1000 gs needed to get the helmet and katana. If I get another achievement before you do and unlock them, I'll let you know.
Alright everyone! Yesterday, after doing campaign scoring on Floodgate, I unlocked it! Here is a smexy picture of me: Thank you for all your help guys! I really appreciate it.