Here is a map my friend recently made called Water Plant. This Map is made by tuker911 not me! Download Here: Download Map Weapons on The Map: BR's: 10 Carbine's: 3 Maulers: 2 Sniper Rifle: 1 Rockets: 1 Gernades On Map: Frags: 4 Plasma: 6 This is my first time posting a map so is the images don't work I might need some help with them. Middle Flow: Bases: Yellow Side: Purple Side: Here are some action shots of the map in play: This is my first post on Forge Hub Ever so if the map or post isn't the best you can just tell me. Thanks to my friend tuker911 for creating this map and I hope to post more maps in the future.
Umm you have two of the same pictures at the start. But for the map i would say its ok, there isnt really any interlocking, but the gamplay looks pretty fun. I like the name water plant. But i suggesr you add some interlocking. If so i play it and reveiw it. First POST
DUDE, there is tons of interlocking, what are you talking about? The map looks pretty good. I suggest you add some geomerging and flip those bridges. I think I will DL and come back with a detailed review. This looks a bit messy so you might want to clean it up...
not mlg,mlg has no fence shield doors and the window panel is also not in mlg ohhh and no spoils its ok but not an mlg sryy if i sound a lil mean but im rigth
Wait, if this is MLG, Shouldn't this be in the MLG Maps Section? Anyways the map looks ok but the ground is pretty bare and you could have added some more to the Bases, the map sort o isn't up to the standards of MLG, Rockets, 2 maulers, and no Phl0ating towers like in classic MLG maps, The weapon layout is pretty good and I could really see my BR pwning n00bs on this map. 3.5/5, The symmetrcal bases are nice but the map isn't up to MLG's standards sorry if I sounded mean but it is kinda true, keep forging and such.
This looks like an amazing mlg map... however, I am not a fan of mlg. but i will say that i love the design (like all mlg maps). But where's the water?? Anyway, this map has given me an incredible idea. great job!
its way to open and i recon that you will get shot as soon as you get spawned and just to let you know this should be in the MLG fourm
I know I forgot to put it in the MLG forum sorry about that at the time i poster it was really early.
neaten up the bases interlocking, flip the bridges, makes it easy to interlock them the middle of the bridge, whats that supposed to be?
the 2 pics at the start are different bases but they are so alike you can hardly tell the difference. ur map look imense
Well, neither are incorrect or correct. There are places that need interlocking severely, i.e. the bases. But there are also places that have excellent interlocking, i.e. the two single boxes interlocked I say that this map looks good but not MLG material, competitive but not MLG.
Just let you know you might want to have this moved to the MLG section. Ok for the map, Im glad its made on a specific theme and not just simply forged out. This makes the map original. I Also like the interlocking in this map, yes there is interlocking. I would just work on making the map more aesthetic wise, because I see floating bridges and it doesnt seem that realistic. good Job tho