Hey guys, this is the V2 of Needle Ball! it is exactly the same except there is interlocked powerups and the walls near the plant points are neater and interlocked. HOW TO PLAY: In the beginning, God said "Let there be Needle Ball!". No but seriously in the beginning of the game the two teams start on opposite sides with the bomb in between. Gameplay is basically like grifball except you have needlers, the bomb carrier is slower not faster because it is a skinnier map than grifball, the bomb doesn't explode right away to make it more challenging because you have to guard it while it is counting down, and normal player speed is 125%. but the map is a total kick ass arena that is way better than grifball because grifball is a blocked off canvas with assault settings. Basically you try to score on the the otherside before they score on you, and if they get it to your side, blow them to purple smitherines with your needler and disarm it. PICS: Overview New!:Interlocked Wall by Starting Spawn Place New!:Interlocked Purple Powerups Deployable Cover Cubby Outside View:Semi-Hidden Equipment Room Inside Veiw:Semi-Hidden Equipment Room A View Of Middle "Pit" Area Download Needle Ball Arena Download Needle Ball Gametype
Its still a little messy... But anyways the game seems very fun. its a very orginal gametype. The walls interlocked into the boxes are good. And the orbs interlocked are good.... 3.4/5 Not bad.
This is the first time i have seen this and i like the idea but think it would be better sans equipment for the purpose of over-use of the equipment. It also seems a bit too cluttered to be similar to grif-ball (I understand grif-ball uses close range weapons)
I remember testing this with you (kinda) and it was a blast! Literally! I hope you tweaked the gametype like we suggested to make it more balanced.
Looks really fun. Just wondering, do you think it would be more fun with invulnerability because it would be more tactical than just point and shoot. Anyway the interlocking looks pretty neat and the purple power ups are a nice touch. 4/5.
this looks pretty fun. i dont really think that equpiment is that good of a choice to put in a map this small. but other than that, its great! 4/5 (and how do u make the power ups purple? custom & camo?)
I think invulnerability would be fun, just hold them of your base with pink needles, genius. btw, the map is kinda sloppy here and there and it's a bit small for needlers, I especially think that spawn/fast killing would be a problem, one thing is for sure though, this is definatly not better than grifball, though it's a highscore.
Camo and overshields make it purple (i think). Anyways looks like great gameplay I didn't get around to dling the first one but I'm gonna dl this one and try it out.
i dont see any difference... well no difference in affecting the game it looks like you only made powerups on the side, and maybe a little interlocking that is unnoticable, it is still escapeable too
I liked needleball V1, and V2? AWESOME! I can't wait until i download and play this with all my friends! very nice job! 5/5!