Conflict V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Archiver13, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    Conflict V2
    Conflict V2

    Supported Gametypes:
    All Game types are supported
    (Recommended for team based games)

    Map Description
    First is first and that’s to show you the original conflict so you can see the differences ( There now that that is out of the way lets start . First question is probably what’s different? A better question would be what stayed the same. For one Conflict V2 was built from the ground up, I did not just go back and flip a couple boxes move a couple of weapons etc etc of conflict v1. If you look at the pictures from v1 to v2 you will notice that. Ok so did I learn how to interlock? The answer is yes I did so the floor of the bases and various areas are now interlocked and straightened out for your gaming pleasure. I also flipped the double boxes and any other boxes so the smooth side is facing up. This as people told me is better for players to walk on. Bases received a complete makeover now. They are roughly the same size as before but have being reduced in width in order to increase vehicle usage. Original conflict only had two lanes on either side this has changed to three lanes. Power weapons on top of the middle wall have either being moved or completely removed from the game. This eliminates the possibility of a team completely taking over with power weapons and holding the position. The nooks and crannies between the walls have being changed. Instead of a closed single box they have become open single boxes. The explosives are still there for trap purposes however the single open boxes provided with shield doors can mean a quick rescue. These boxes also contain a weapon each. Middle wall has now being interlocked and instead of closed double boxes they have become open double boxes. Yes I know your probably saying wtf for. Well they have being flipped so that the top is smooth. However the only way to get to the top is through only one way unless you are somehow able to jump higher after the grav lift. What does this mean? Well it means that in order to get to the top and get any goodies or a height advantage you will have to travel through a tunnel with either an enemy behind you or you chasing an enemy. The tunnel does contain some grenades to either stop chasers in their tracks or to aid you when you get to the top. The top contains some explosives, a beam rifle, some fire grenades, and a health regen. Unlike before where it contained just about every power weapon imaginable. At the bottom of the vast wall the explosive road still remains. So in order to get your vehicles onto the other side you will either have to ram right through, explode it , or wait for the other team to pass by . Instead of one bridge to the other side now it has become three. How does this change game play you ask? Well under it goes without question that holding just one bridge and camping is no longer a possibility on your own. So Teamwork to hold all three will be needed especially in situations like one flag. Also king of the hill and territories will also focus on the three bridges at one point or another. Now for those nooks and crannies of your own bases, let’s start with my old pallet idea with a plasma gun on top. That Is now gone. Instead pallets remain there but it does hide something special for the team or in cases of infection those who are trying to live. I have found that infection on this map is also widely possible. (Thanks to testers)
    Anywho Gametypes I found that best work are

    -Team Slayer (All current bungie variations work feel free to try your own)
    -Assault (Works fine in both neutral and one way standards)
    -CTF (This is kind of what I made the map for so I made sure it worked for it)
    -King of the Hill-Hectic? yes. Hard to beat? Yes . is it fun? Of course!
    -Infection-To my surprise very playable
    -Slayer- Not so much as team but you can try
    -Juggernaut-Similar to slayer but still possible
    -Oddball-Best in teams also hectic and as fun as king of the hill
    -Territories-I made it so that this often rare gametype is also playable.

    Thanks to the people who gave me feed back in v1

    Now for the pictures cuz I know you want to see them 
    Ps: second map


    Three Bridges instead of one and a brand spanking new middle Refer to top link to see original

    Brand spanking new stair connection. Yes I know not much to look at as last time but I have my reasons for this as im sure many would understand.

    The new top of the wall, completely interlocked, power weapons removed and added some things for both scenery and playability (apperantly a good place to stand in infection. )

    The tunnel in the wall stretches for a while; however it does contains ome goodies if being pursued by someone. Also serves as a king of the hill point and it leads to the top if you are able to make it.

    Yes that’s right the holes in the wall still exist. Why? Because they were fun before and there fun now.  added the hole to either protect yourself from the explosion. All holes also hold a weapon. In general just be creative about this one.

    The explosive hall still exists. One difference well there is none it still goes boom as long as you hit it.

    Driving lanes increased from 2 to 3 to prevent cramping.(hahah dirty joke)

    Base A : Makeover

    The long hallway

    Base B Makeover

    Brought to you by archiver13 (yes the one getting run over planting the sticky is me.

    I hope this time you will download it and not only judge it by its pictures. Give it a fair chance I put a lot of time into this. Eventually I will learn geo merging. Thank you for taking the time to read.

    Conflict V2
  2. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I can't say that this is a terrible map, because it looks pretty clean and it has alot of nice features. I like the wall in the middle and nthe bridges that lead to the teams bases. those will provide fun gameplay, but on the down side, I don't see much cover in this map. some simple geomerged singe boxes and some columns or somethikng will provide much better gamplay. Overall, I'll give it a 3.5/5.

  3. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    Thank you very much i was thinking of implementing more cover but the map is considerably small so adding things will make everything seem crowded as it was being tested. but we do differ sir so maybe under certain circumstances cover like that can be useful thanks for the rating.
  4. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    152 views and no comments? ouch guys ouch :(
  5. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    ahhh gotta comment! ok well the map seems pretty cool with the geo merging and how the weapons/vehicles/scenery and all is layed out. a different kind of foundry map than most people would make, i'd think, cuz it has vehicles, more space of the map to use, and just different forging features like the holes in the walls. seems creative and could be pretty fun, nice job with it! (and ur cold storage map, lol)
  6. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    lol thank you sir at least someone leaves me a feedback. however there is no geo merging as i dont know how to do it to well yet
  7. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    You're Conflict actually shares a few similarities in design as my Conflict. The overall layout and use of vehicles being the main things I noticed. I don't care that our maps share the same name, but to avoid confusion if you feel like it you can change the name, or you can wait for my version 2 which I was planning on naming Conflict v2, but I may go with Confliction.
  8. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
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    Looks like a great map but not the best. not loads of interlocking but some and good size and shape and it is quite neat and the screenshots are at a good angle- 7/10
  9. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    hmm thats not good
    ell its kinda of to late to
    rename it now
    however this is the last version i was making of it so the name is yours in the end i guess

    Thank you i tried really hard
  10. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I like parts about this map and hate other parts... Your layout is interesting and your bases are very aesthetically pleasing =) What I don't like is the amount of fusion coils, they could definitely ruin the gameplay. Also, where all those fusion coils are in a row: WHY did you place FOUR regenerators WTF. People will just shoot the fusion coils from a distance then run up and keep throwing down regenerators and if teh respawn frequently then people will camp up there. I also dislike the pile of fusion coils in the center. It may not completely ruin the map so I will dl and find out, but it doesn't look good...

    Oh, XED360X please do not reply to the whole thread >=(
  11. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
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    yeah thinking about it now those regenerators were a bad idea .
    and the fusion coils blocking the path for vehicles could have being toned down a bit
  12. xKingSasquatch7

    xKingSasquatch7 Ancient
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    Um ya the map looks ok but probly 1 of the worst maps ive seen today so i guess congratulations. Your map dosnt cut
  13. Archiver13

    Archiver13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol this coming from the banned guy

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