Team NoScopes

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by GCLimited, Sep 27, 2008.


What do you Prefer

Poll closed Jun 23, 2011.
  1. No Scope CTF

    0 vote(s)
  2. Team No Scopes

    4 vote(s)
  3. I Dont Any

    4 vote(s)
  4. There Both Amazing

    1 vote(s)
  1. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hi its GC Limited again ( lustana is my other gamer tag )​

    Im going to show you a NO scope map that all noscopers will enjoy just take a look and enjoy​

    There are 2 diforant maps there is Snipe Face Off And NoScope Tac

    The first 2 pictures im going to show you are the no scope tac ones so please injoy​

    Pic 1
    You dont have time so make it quick
    Pic 2
    AS you capture get ready to go for it again.​

    Now im going to show you the slayer ones​

    Pic 1
    Youe can stay where you spawn and take out the other team from the other side.
    Pic 2
    or go down low to have a face off​

    In the gametype Noscope CTF you run 50% of normal speed so juggel the flag and try not to get noscoped or asassinated!​

    The rules are simple for slayer you only get 1 point as long as it hits them in the head if you dont then you ohen you get 0
    Its one shot to the head or 16 shots to the body​

    and on CTF the flag takes 3 secs to retern and 10 sect to reset​

  2. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    well this is well interlocked tho it seems very small for CTF... the respawn rate needs too be like instant for that im not sure it would play very well.. nice map tho this is really good... keep maps coming... n i advise taken a single box and raising it slightly above the ground to give cover and a little something to the BLANK lower level layout... other than that nice map....
  3. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cheeres thanks but seriosly the spaawns are 5 secs and its just so fun seriosly you have infanate helf for the first sec you spawn and it sort spawnkilling play it and you will find out its so fun :p
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    you cant really stop people from using the scope...
    they could just scope people from across the map.
    it also looks easy to spawn kill people and it looks escapeable
  5. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
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    i can asuse you that you carnt spawn kill and you defoanly carnt get out the map its realy hard just to beable to get out off it in forge mode i promis you have infanate heath for the first sec you spawn so you can tern and shoot him its hard to spawn kill

    And Its Quite Close Quorters So you migh just as well no scope any way but if you have friend playinh then hopfully they wont scope :D
    #5 GCLimited, Sep 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2008
  6. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    thats awesome, a team noscoping map. but i have one question, how do you prevent people from scoping in? but either way, thats a pretty sweet idea, keep forging! 4/5
  7. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is only good for people who like to noscope you have to play it to see how fun it is

    i carnt prevent no one from scopeing in but its quite close quorters and when you play it its just fun no matter what any way but play with friends and hopefully you can trust them :D
    #7 GCLimited, Sep 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2008
  8. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    GCLimited stop double postinf and also i think that CTF is way to small but team doubles sniping would be cool on this
  9. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
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    Hey what is double posting ?
  10. drak

    drak Ancient
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    It's when you post twice without having someone to post in between your two posts....its infractable

    Oh well, also, i think you should add a littl teeny center structure, like a corner of a fencewall sticking out
  11. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Come on People lets get some post going in the map fourm its so boreing atm lol
  12. MovingTarget602

    MovingTarget602 Ancient
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    This is a pretty good map. It seems a little too small for CTF, but it is a great 1v1 or 2v2 map. It almsot seems like a training map to improve your no-scoping skills. I am very impressed with your maps, and you have done a lot in your little time here on forgehub, and on that matter, welcome to forgehub.
  13. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks and every one thinks it to small but i promis you that its so good you run realy slow (%50 normal speed ) its just a great game :D
  14. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a hectic close range battle of epic fury noscoping and luck shots! good concepts i allways have trouble fo think of ideas for slayer maps
  15. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
    Senior Member

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    to be honest i think this no scop map has made my noscope so mutch more better because you just no scopeing so it sometimes luck but mostly skill
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    When I saw the name, I said "Woah, gotta check this out!" (Notice my name.) Looks well made. I like the idea. Seems fun, but it seams like spawn killing could be an issue.
  17. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok forst of all i promis you that you dont ever get probobly spawn killed you have infanate health for the first 1 sec you spawn and its tested so dont worry and 2nd of all what do you mean its to small thats the whole point of no scopes if i made it any bigger people would just want to scop :p

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