Mech V2 Made by Hells Gears and Jessica Description An old spartan training factory, now still in use. 2-5 players(Slayer) Weapon List(Some Of The Guns Are Outside Of the Map) : 3xAR 7xBR 1xShotgun 2xSMG 2xSpiker 1xMagnum 2xPlasma Pistol 2xPlasma Rifle 1xRocket 1xCarbine 1xMauler Equitment List : 6xFrags 4xPlasmas 1xFlamey Grenades 2xBubble Shields 1xPower Drain Forging 101: [ Yes ] __Floating Objects [ Yes ] __Instant Respawn [ Yes] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ Yes ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ Yes] __Interlocking Objects [ Yes] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch : Download : Supported Gametypes : Slayer, Juggernaut, Vip Now for pictures : Shotgun Spawn Rocket Spawn Hallway(Most Action Takes Place Here) Small Bridge With Plasmas Mauler Spawn(You can't Camp) Carbine Hallway A Place That a Little Spawn Camping Starts(With Too Many People) Shotgun Camping Spot I Hade One More Picture, But Can't Find It. Made mostly by Hells Gears Linky Enjoy!
First post Looks good. Like how u used fusion coils to make it camp proof. I don't like that u can spawn camp or camp with shotgun. Seems abit empty i might use start with brs on this one. Seems like you made the hallways first and then just filled them up (not saying thats a bad thing.) Overall good map u have my dl.
nice map from what i can tell this is really good... nice job.. but u need action pic and more all together... nice job lots of new tech. and such and a good layout all together looks very fun... i want to try it now this def. is a DL if i had one left im freaking coming back to get this... nice map def. a 5/5 percectly interlocked and such nice
the name mech made me think of the big robots people make, regardless this looks like a good map, everything looks nice and neat. The bridge looks bumpy between siglebox and bridge but probably doesn't make a difference. The carabine hallway is probably esapeable, but again doesn't make a difference. Overall a good map. 4/5
Really nice map man but it seems that there are some small gaps in the wall that grenades could go through on accident, this is just a suggestion or opion really but i think a warthog would be cool on the map because it seems to go in a circle, i think it can fit more than just 2-5 anyway.
Looks really good, I can see that you've taken time to merge things well. I like that you have told people where camping can take place, that way they can be on thier gaurd while going around in that area. From the screenshots, I can see one place that maybe someone good at jumping might be able to get out, If you're bothered by that and whant to know where, then message me telling me that. For all I know, you could have tested it to make sure noone can get out =] Overall very very good. I look forward to seeing some of your other maps. 5/5
Thatsv a realy good looking map! i like the interlocking and good size and good shape - 9/10 Great map!
Looks interesting, but nothing too revolutionary. The map seems a little small to have a rocket launcher; no matter how many clips there are or how long the respawn is, a 1 hit kill weapon with monstrous splash damage always throws the balance of a map. Personally, I would have gone with the Fuel Rod Gun, as it takes more than one shot to kill. But hey, that's just me. I really liked the ledges in the carbine hallway, and if possible, it would help to add more like them to make the map less linear and to keep players on their toes. The low cover is also good. The small bridge with two plasma nades seems somewhat crooked. It could use a little tweaking, but that's not to say that it isn't really good already. (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) 5 / 5
Your interlocking is flawless and everything looks well thought out. I just don't see anything that blows me away and convinces me to download. I suggest adding some interlocked power-ups into the walls or something to give your map better aesthetics. It just looks a little dull... I'm sure the gameplay is fine there just isn't anything new or interesting. Also, the bridge between the boxes looks very sloppy. I am really impressed by your skill with interlocking but you didn't use it to make something creative... This map is very well made but just seems stale and uninteresting. I really hope you work on the aesthetics and add something really interesting and creative, I want to see a version 2. You are a very good forger...
couldent believe you dint use the unlimited money glitch or maby it looks bigger cause the pics ill dl and be back with a review... btw one pic look escapable ill check it out...