This is a map I made a couple days ago, it is a shipyard where ships drop off storage containers, it has containers with weapons inside of them, and a lighthouse in the middle. You can light up the lighthouse by shooting the fusion coils inside of it. This map will pretty much only work for free for all and king of the hill variants. My friends like to play on it, I hope you guys enjoy my map too. http:// [/IMG][/IMG] [/IMG]
hey it looks like ur pictures rn't working. maybe it's for me or everyone. but u have the right idea about the tags, but the correct way is like this [noparse][/noparse]. 24 hours is the deadline until its locked. no one needs to tell them about his picks after this so please refrain from posting until it's up to standards, unless someone has a link to a tutorial
Here are your images good sir. Just Quote me and then paste the IMG codes in your original post. Looks good. I really like the lighthouse, very original. Somethings could use a little interlocking and straighting out. But overall, pretty good.
i like the light house very much the map looks nice but idk it feels kinda empty from structure to structure. maybe like an actual shipyard you should have some double boxes around stacked on top of each other.
nice interlocking and ****, mabey get rid of shield doors and so many power weapons whats the fusion coils for?
First of all - Your download link is broken. It links to HTTP.COM, when it should link to : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing. Asthetically the map looks great, and makes sence. I love the lighthouse, that's really original and spectacular. For Gameplay the map looks really open dont be afraid to alter things that might make the asthetics work slightly less well, if altering things ultimately improves gameplay. I think some walls parrallel with foundrys walls would be great in one or two places just to break up the map a little bit. Flipping the boxes would make it look better in one spot, but it depends on the look you're going for. The map is called Shipyard after all. I think that the boxes near foundrys default base would benifit greatly from a geomerge to make them level with the default walkway, but I'm just being picky. You should consider a V2, with a little more cover, and some polish, and I reccomend adding a description to your map as right now it just says the canvas description. No rating for now.