If this is nromal and pretty easy, please lock the thread/ But I have never seen it done, and wanted to know if had been seen before, the shield door is halfway through the floor. I will write a how-to if its not been done before. R PICTURE - http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=26575778 me and my friend were the only 2 in the game, so we stood in the shot to show neither is as a monitor and holding it in position.
So you basically geomerged a shield door through the ground? It shouldn't be too hard with the forging 101 but good job on geomerging a shield door. Never seen it done before although I can't really see the use.
I've seen it done in Code Impulse. Sorry, cant be bothered finding the link. It isnt hard at all. Simply place a box over the middle of your sheild door and then grab the sheild door. It could be put to use with lowering a sheild door without having that little thing in the bottom middle.
Lmao, I thought this is what he was talking about. Cool though you figured it out, but it probly would have worked the way linubidix said or just using the door method.
Same thing with me. It'd be easier to just hold it upside down. Otherwise, you just place a double box over it, and spawn it when holding the shield door. It's nice that you're trying to help us understand forge, though.
The way I did it, you could get the shield door under the map, then move it around to wherever you wanted it, and I tried using the door and it didn't work, if this is easy, can the thread get locked pls. R