Rat Race : CE Remake Created by II Synthetic II [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer (Custom Combat Evolved or MLGv3)[br] Map Description Out of all the original Halo maps, Rat Race has to be my favorite next to Chill Out! Therefore I took it upon myself to recreate this amazing map with the amazing Foundry. Pretty much I took the Schematics from the original Rat Race to scale, then superimposed that over a to scale schematic of Foundry. I then used the grid on the floor of foundry to compensate. I am not going to say it is exact, but it is vaguely close. Ok, honestly I have spent about 7 hours working with this map, and am prepared to show it off to the community, It may still need some cosmetic changes, but it plays very well, and is nearly as accurate as it can get. I have changed the weapons to match a MLG playset. Therefore, Carbine = Org. AR Spawns Green Gun = Org. PR Spawn Mauler = Org. Shotgun Spawn BR = Org. Pistol Spawns ...Nades come in 4packs like always [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Schematic for Pre Planning [img width=795 height=800]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/bebullock/Schematic.jpg[/img] [br] Camo To Top Center [img width=800 height=450]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/bebullock/22069642-Full.jpg[/img] [br] Tele to Caves [img width=800 height=450]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/bebullock/22069685-Full.jpg[/img] [br] Shields to Camo [img width=800 height=450]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/bebullock/22069714-Full.jpg[/img] [br] Frags to Top Center [img width=800 height=450]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/bebullock/22069791-Full.jpg[/img] [br] Ovie Drop To Frags [img width=800 height=450]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/bebullock/22069830-Full.jpg[/img] [br] To Frags and Camo Tele [img width=800 height=450]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/bebullock/22069873-Full.jpg[/img] [br] Caves to Camo OS [img width=800 height=450]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/bebullock/22069903-Full.jpg[/img] [br] Cave Tele [img width=800 height=450]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/bebullock/22069922-Full.jpg[/img] [br] Top Center [img width=800 height=450]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/bebullock/22069979-Full.jpg[/img] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Just wanna thank everyone that potentially tries this map out, Any critisims are more than welcome. Im an art student so I know critiques only improve things. Thanks!! [br] Download Rat Race v1.1 Download Combat Evolved [br]
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake This looks like a great remake, and I loved the original Rat Race... til my copy of CE quit on me Tim
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake Looks good judging from the pictures, remakes however have a tendency to disappoint. I'll get back to you when I've had a chance to test it out.
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake Thanks guys, With every other remake i have come across, it seemed that people have relinquished the space for which to play in on Rat Race. Everything was way to cramped and did not allow for many good battles besides the occasional melee war. My main objective for this was to capture the scope and angles that were essential in the original. I have only been able to play a few 1v1s on the map with a few friends, but it seems familiar. As of 430am I prepared the map for oddball and fixed a few cosmetic things aswell. Enjoy, any feedback is welcome.
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake I am downloading now, looks promising! I'll come back with my review in a bit. I checked it out and it is very accurate. I have a few problems with it. Some of the ramps you have to jump to get over and some areas are quite bumpy. Also by the one teleporter where there's a window, two doors, and a box you can easily get out by jumping.. other than that this is the best Rat Race remake yet.
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake Back in the days I played Halo:CE multiplayer fairly often, but I can't for the love of my life remember this map. It sure is a good thing that you've posted an overlay of the original layout on top of the Foundry heatmap. I really like the fact that you've managed to follow the original layout, and that you've placed weapons on the original weaponspawns. Kudos. Aesthetic / Functionality I can see that you master Interlocking, but personally I think you should have used it to an even greater extent. And as you've already stated the map is in great need of cosmetic improvement. For instance, there are several gaping holes strewn across the map, even one the lets you escape out of the map. The way that you have placed walls and boxes makes me think you were in a real hurry to get this map published. Am I right? Spawning I've looked over the spawns in forge and basically all of them look good except for a couple ones that are placed behind a dumpster. Maybe you have stayed as close to the original as possible, even including spawns. But keep in mind that when you place spawnpoints you should make sure that they aren't facing directly into a wall or any other kind of obstructing object since the players want to know where they are immediately when they spawn. And this map isn't exactly configured for teambased games is it? I only found two startingpoints and both of them were set to "Neutral". And due to the fact that the map is so small, I'm guessing that it works best in 1 v 1 or 2 v 2 games. Weapons / Equipment I have no complaints here, since you've followed the original map, it's all good. I have the confidence that you could make this map really good if you just take the time. There's no need to rush anything. After all, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Peace // gorebound
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake Thanks for everyones feedback. I totally agree with the discrepancies related to the map. Mainly it has been a budget, and item struggle from the initial run through. The areas I am the least happy with would have to be the caves, the wall floor on Top Center, and the ramp down to Frags, (which I call the "red headed step child" of the map. considering I ran out of everything I needed). If anyone has some suggestions as to how I would remedy the bumpy wall floors I am all ears. Gore, I tend to work very quickly when building in forge, I think, I have some A.D.D. associated with a certain amount of time I spend in one place on the map and need to move on. Regarding the spawning issues, this is the first time I have actually played around with the spawning system. I am guessing a better knowledge of that will come with time.
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake Yeah of course, my main reason for doing reviews at all is to help people excel as forgers. I'm not being mean for the sole purpose of being mean .
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake ummmmmm why hasnt anyone even attempted to remake blood gulch. i mean i know it may be tricky but no one has even attempted. Come on you try Sidewinder!
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake This looks cool. How did you make the foundry map layout though? And, if you have an available copy could you send me a copy or post one here on a thread? Oh yea, great job with the interlocking.
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake also, they recently created standoff in which Bungie states is the “Blood Gulch, except squished together, with 4000 foot satellite dishes.“
it appears that your images are incorrectly embedded (i cant see them, i just see the bbcode tags and some URLs) I loved ratrace and if this is a truly accurate remake that i'm excited for it
Do these pics work for everyone else? I can't see it =[ This sounds like a nice remake too. I'll try to figure out why I don't see the pics because it appears as if everyone else does, which means it's not your fault. Hmm, *ponders* Also, the "Accurate Halo: CE Remake" part of your title should probably be taken down. It's against FH standards, and some of the elders might scream profanities at you. Ok, well not profanities, or even screaming, but you get my point.
Because I am sooooo nice [br edit: Now that I can see the pics, it looks nice. But I have HIGH expectations for a map as awesome as rats race. It looks a little messy. Turn the bridges upside, first off.