Metro v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Paulie Walnuttz, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    After about a month of tweaking and fixing numerous things such as: spawns, weapon placement, and fixing up the geometry of the map like fixing geomerges and adding new things, i present to you, the new and improved Metro, Metro v2. A very big thank you to insane54, his help was much appreciated to make this map play how it plays now.

    Now, Metro v2 is an a-symetrical urban map that consists of a 3 story main building and little buidings around it. There is a highway in the middle that is just about finished with a crane lifting one of the last sections in. There are large towers that stretch from foundrys floor to the ceeling. There is a clock tower and a wall of catwalks that can be used to get into the main buildings upper floor. There are little bridges here and there made of fencewalls or bridges.

    now on bungie favs!

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
    special thanks to tex for the epic video

    battle rifle x11
    assault rifle x1
    smg x2
    magum x1
    plasma rifle x2
    needler x2
    bruteshot x1
    rocket launcher x1
    carbine x1
    sniper rifle x1
    shotgun x1

    power drain x1
    bubble shield x1
    deployable cover x1
    overshieldx1 [spawns in after 90 seconds]

    ghost x1
    mongoose x1

    Supported game types:
    one flag
    one bomb
    *i recommend playing one flag or one bomb for best results*

    Now for the pics:

    The main building, the bomb plant and flag spawn is on the third floor

    The left ally leading to the back of the main building and to a foot bridge

    The improved catwalks and clock tower, hm it seems its 2:00 pm

    The new improved overpass

    The front of the overpass

    The crane which is working on the overpass

    The new pallet stairs leading to the top of the overpass where it ends

    Behind the main building looking from the defending side

    Behind the main building looking from the attacking side

    The main building floor 3, where the flag and bomb plant are located

    Main Building floor 2

    Main building floor 1

    Looking down the overpass into the attacker start

    Now for some action shots

    a street war for the flag

    advance up the overpass and take the catwalks!

    so close to home

    die recon!

    haha whispy, getting smacked with the bomb

    now i want to give special thanks to insane54 and the sir toppum hat for helping me with nemerous things, insane you are great with spawns, and The yellow for getting me off my ass to make a v2 Thanks guys! and thank you to everyone who helped playtest with me =D

    well i hope you enjoy the map, please download and leave a comment thanks =D

    download Click here
    #1 Paulie Walnuttz, Sep 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  2. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Incredible job, I love the improvements. The original was very enjoyable and this is even better! This map has some of the best geomerging I have seen and lots of great interlocking of course. The thing I like most about this map is all the amazing creativity. Not only do you have a clock tower but also many other great parts such as the overpass and the foundry crane (made out of a crane lol) I also like the central building, I like multiple stories! Everything you added is sure to make this map even better! I just can't wait to play this, it's amazing. Keep forging, you are very talented!

    This map is teh AWEs0mz =)

    EDIT: this needs to be featured!
    #2 crazyzebu, Sep 27, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2008
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. The aesthetics are amazing. One of the best built CTF maps I've ever seen, if the game play measures up. Might be a feature depending on that.
  4. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Ah yes, paulie's awesome metro map. TEH best urban map made (ironically, it's more urban themed than the map Urban!) Anyways! I shall play a few games on here and get back to you good sir.
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    What happened to the screenshot of you meleeing me from the Mongoose?
  6. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    Looks SO much better man! I love the newer things you did, like those overpass boxes underneath. The pallet staircase is probably much more helpful, and what you've done with the clock is brilliant. I trust you when you say its better, so I've downloaded. Sweet job.
    EDIT: And like people below me have already stated, this map DESERVES to be featured!
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I remember testing this map, I dont know if it was with you, but I really liked the layout of the map. It is really fun with ctf, just to tell people that.

    Also the highway ramp is may favorite part of the map but is kind of open. Perhaps adding a aesthetic feature for cover such as a blown up car, but I relize that could be very hard to make.

    good job, from testing I will give you 9.4/10
  8. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Yeah, you did do a great job of making it have an urban feeling. Of all of the talk of metro getting a feature, this makes it deserve one more. I didn't see any pictures of the base in the back of Foundry though, maybe add some in? Even though I'm going to download and check it out anyway, people might want to see it, considering it was a little sloppy to start. The crane working on the highway looks really nice, and it's great you incorporated the crane into the map. And people will really use it, with the rocket being on it. I'm not going to be able to test it out until I get my new gaming router. (If you've noticed how much my connection sucks lately.) :(. Congrats, a 5/5 from me.
    Paulie Walnuttz likes this.
  9. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    Finally its posted ive been waiting for its release.. I remember helping you test this map and its extremely fun... the fact that the first one wasnt featured should bring up the fact that this one will .. Paulie Great job on your map .. Youl see a feature eventually..
  10. Xx BEHEM0TH xX

    Xx BEHEM0TH xX Ancient
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    This map reminds me so much of Headlong. I love the originality too. The interlocking and geomerging really pull off gameplay and aesthetic effects that are truly amazing. In my opinion this is a feature worthy map. It's a 5/5 and a download for sure!!!
  11. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Nice this finally got posted, this map plays so well i was there when you were testing it playing single CTF. the game runs smooth and the asthetics are everywhere giving it a much different feeling. the clock tower would have to be my favorite part, it gives it that city feeling to it, im pretty sure that it was 2:00. nice job on this, 5/5
  12. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    Nice map interlocking and such is really nice.. i like the design n the tower is win... nice use of the crane... thats so original and totally amazing... tho i think the map is missing something but i can put my finger on it... nice interlockin... and straight geo merging nice job... 5/5
  13. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    omg man this map is good!!!! if i dont dl this there is something wrong with me this map is so good that im going to tall all my friends that have halo 3. it took me a bit but i love the clock tower i didnt know what is was at first lol. but the arrow no the wal and only the arrow not the a is good i tried to do somthing like that but i gave up. good map hope it get featured (did i spell that right? lol) 5/5 for sure
  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    OOh hey paulie good to see another map from you. O loved the first Metro, but I love this even more. I dont see much good asymmetrical maps but this is one of the best. Great merging and Great job!
  15. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Is it twelve ten or two o'clock on the clock

    The map is even better with the new add ons

    i shall give it a 91/100
  16. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    finally pauile you post v2 :p You know how mush i <3 this, and how much better the improvements are. Oh and when i was testing w/ you Insane and i found a quick way to get the bomb to the second floor and owned the n00bs in the house XD
  17. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Hmph. Paulie this is much better then the first version and tis has better gameplay in which it makes me happy. Paulie I wish you luck with future maps. An honest rating for this map from me is probably a 4.6/5
  18. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
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    Realy like this map - great ideas - good size - good shape - alround great looking - i cannot wait to play this - keep up the good work - 8/10
  19. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    paulie paulie paulie do you not understand what interlocking is? Obviously not as this map needs more of it. Nah im jking but not really. But yeah this is a great map very well done its way better than the first version it's much neater and it plays way better. I can has +repz? Lol jk and PS I typed this whole message on my iPod during church ;).
  20. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    thanks the pallet stairs add to gameplay and use of the space behind the crane

    yes it says 2:00 lol

    its 2, and thanks i added quite a few things and i fixed spawns
    Sage likes this.

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