Seaboro Stadium Soccer Download Seaboro Stadium Download Soccer (required) -Supports up to 8v8, 2v2 recomended. -Easy to escape, doesn't make a difference though. -Tough, but not invincible players, 10 second respawn. -5 rounds, 1 goal per round. -Absolutly no honor rules. (mods: if you want to switch this to mini games, go ahead) Spoiler Statagy and tips: The closer you are to the soccerball the more power, the farther away the more accuracy. The brute shot can rediret the ball depending where you hit the ground, you can make the ball come back to you, or even keep the ball in the air by hitting the ground in the right spot, sort of like juggling. A goaltender is a great idea for a team and is the best defence because the ball isn't small, it is hard to get past the goalie. Like in real soccer, it is smart to play positions, the defender hits it to the offence who is offside, goal, bam. Download Seaboro Stadium Download Soccer (required) Wanna get a game going? GT: Seaboro Kibbles
congratulations youve made the first soccer game in h3 with a working point system i really hope this becomes double xp event u should send this to the bungie staff
The map is beautiful, the scoring system is awesome, congratulations. It really looks like it took a lot of hard work making this, 4/5.
it has hammers its assault and its on foundry other than that there isnt any thing like griff ball in here and i forgot to mention earlier 5/5
wow this is amazing i am definite downloading, the best soccer game i have seen yet. wow. 5/5 for me.
well designed and clever map the soccer ball blocking and all that. just 2 concerns the ball looks like it can be knocked out of place and this seemes like it should be in mini games but it matters not. nice interlocking too
WOW really nice map i love the scoring and the arena is kewl looking and interlocked i only see to prblems, one once the ball is knocked off you can kust go to where the tele are on the other tema and just keep hitting your hammers so they can't score. and also can't you just shoot the ball or go through the cannon yourself and move it.
Spectraltravis, tell em how it is! Yeah! defending the other team from scoring is legit, if you hold them off for about 20 seconds the ball will respawn; and the mancannons hold the ball tight, it will not budge, the problem with that is if the ball is in the net, you get stuck in it, but you have to be pretty handy to do that. this game is considered fun in nature, it has slayer similarities because you can kill people; but I know what you meen, it is debatable. DarkIce Dragon, thank for the good feedback, but try not to necropost next time. Here are Forgehub's rules Lol, well said. Never underestimate frogehub's amount of members who don't think when they post.
that is amazing, thats the only soccer game that i've ever seen that actually WORKS, its complicated but it works well, i'll download and try it out!
Really great map! Great Scoring system and great to play with 3vs3 (what i did) A lot of fun! 5/5 defenatily
I knew someone would make a football map. Well done. This actually looks a bit like a stadium. How does the bomb planting part work? Surely the enemy team can pick up the bomb and run with it (unless the bomb spawn and bomb plant are right pn top of each other...). This does bear a bit of a resemblance to Grifball, but that's like saying football copied Grifball :/
This map has crazy good mechanics behind it. The only problem is that sometimes the ball goes outside of the barriers