This map really meets the two words Asthetic and Playable.The scientifically named structures give the map a backstory without acually reading the post.I was waiting for a lab-based map such as this; very well executed.
This map looks so incredibly unique. All the merged and interlocked objects look completely natural with regards to the whole map. You really succeeded with giving it a "laboratory" feel, so for that, this map deserves no less than a 5/5. I've downloaded. Awesome job!
Woah this looks like a very fun map! There geo merging is incredible. You have tons of geo merging everywhere. You did a good job merging it so far into the ground. Also ther interlocking is great!. i think the gamplay would be alot of fun. The aesthetics are amazing, you used objects like Barriers, dumpsters in a unique way. You made the dumpsters inside a box that is geo merged. Overall great map. this deserves a map reveiwer. Map Reveiwer: Overall:5/5 Aesthetics:5/5 Interlocking:5/5 Geo-Merging:5/5 Gamplay:5/5 Great Job 100%
thanks much, zebu. means a lot coming from a forger such as yourself. lots of people are out a box right now? bummer. appreciate it, dude. ill keep posting, for sure. thanks, mayne. i really get a kick out of maps with more than just random plots. i think backstory kinda pulls players outta 'foundry' mode and allows the map to take on more of its own character. or somethin' like that. errr . . . *laboratory feel--check! hehe, thanks a bunch. its good to know it feels right. 5s across the board?! suhweet. thanks for the feedback. its appreciated. if anybody has any suggestions on improving weaps or spawns or anything at all, feel free to let me know.