Okay,so you spawn with a plasma pistol in the huge temple closed off on all sides. There's shotguns,swords, and both spartan laser and gravity hammer. It's extremely fun. Goes along with the Tomb Gametype espically made for it which you can find here: Tomb Slayer: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=14032974 Pics: Main Room [img width=800 height=450]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/2429/7309313fulldp0.jpg[/img] Side Hallways [img width=800 height=450]http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/1083/7309380fullyp9.jpg[/img] Hallway [img width=800 height=450]http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/7602/7308992fullra9.jpg[/img] Version 1.2 fixes: -The spawn points are fixed for no spawn camping and more spread out. -The plasma grenades are more spread apart. -A teleporter is fixed. -99% chance of dying when leaving the level. Version 1.3 fixes: -The respawns have been tweaked slightly. -The teleporters are placed so noone can walk out of the map. Download and enjoy, comments are appreciated. Download : http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=14032965
Re: Tomb *A whole new map inside of Sandtrap* please take out the *A whole new map inside of Sandtrap* other than that I think I seen this map before.
Re: Tomb *A whole new map inside of Sandtrap* wait why? what should I put instead? thats basically what it is lol.
Re: Tomb *A whole new map inside of Sandtrap* just leave Tomb as the name because it the form rules its concerted advertising. it takes a way from other people map because your stands out in the Forms.
Nothing i havent seen before, closed in map with power weapons. Not saying it isnt fun or it sucks, just saying the idea is a bit overused. Also really do take out the *A whole new map inside of Sandtrap* as the thread title in the maps section is for the name of the map only. Not a discription
Re: Tomb *A whole new map inside of Sandtrap* I wonder where I've seen this before? Oh yeah. Three months ago.
Re: Tomb *A whole new map inside of Sandtrap* i made this as my first map on halo 3,you can check the date on it. it was made way before that map was even created. oh yeah. 4 months ago PROOF: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=14032965 that guy didnt steal my idea we just thought of it i was playing and someone showed me his map so i decided to post mine up on here for people to see. his date: 11.26.2007 6:47 PM PST my date: 10.28.2007 2:44 AM PST you can do the math. sorry but i dont like kids accusing me of stuff when they dont even check the facts
I made a similar map and named it the same thing .... ooops, I never published mine though, just left it as something fun to do at the house. Luckily mine is impossible to escape from though.
Although I'm not a huge fan of forged maps that aren't on foundry, I won't downplay the fact that this map doesn't look half bad. Not something I would play on, but i'll give you an A for effort.. Keep up the forging man!
oh yeah i forgot to put no1 has escaped through this map, but if any of you guys download and find a way out please post how to or a vid here and i'd appreciate it thanks for all the comments guys i know its really old but i havent posted any of my old maps here yet so i decided to give it a shot