this looks like a very complex version of the classic duck hunt where instead of shooting in one direction you have to look everywhere. this has got to make the hame for the hunter alot harder. the design looks good though a little slopy in some spots but nothing that would hurt gameplay. 4.9/5!
This looks pretty good for a nice mini game. I like the catwalks going from one box to another. I have played a bunch of these kind of maps before so it really isn't the most original map and gameplay ever, but it is still really fun. The only thing is, some parts looks kind of messy. Like the box and wall interlocks. If you would clean those up, the map would be looking quite awesome.
omg i friggin hate these types of maps plus theres soooo many of em out there so theres really NO need to make more, seriously 0/5 come up with ur own damn ideas
What really makes this map original is that it goes in a circle instead of in one direction. I would work on the tower in the middle though so its interlocked better, other than that its a really good duck huntiing map good job 4/5
The map fine, I like the idea and looks very fun. I haven't played it yet, but I downloaded it and the hunter can get out of the box. If you could fix that problem I wouldn't really have any problems with it other than aesthetics which isn't something I care about but other people do and it's not a problem though because it doesn't really affect the gameplay
other people do care about aesthetics, and yeah I'd like to help you make a cleaner version. My gamertag is i959 white sox. I can't do it tonight so just message me when you want to make it.
Originally Posted by Widestoned omg i friggin hate these types of maps plus theres soooo many of em out there so theres really NO need to make more, seriously 0/5 come up with ur own damn ideas its true, there a zillion of duck hunt games out there, cmon be original, on the other hand, this copy is not bad at all... 3.8/5
i like your map.. i won't download it thoug.. i play whit stupid people sometimes.. they would just go out of the map.. sorry im a cretic 2/5, i only download 4/5 or 5/5 and ofcourse the never given 6/5 xD Yellowrabbit DK
Iv'e seen this a lot so the idea possibly isn't yours (this was only posted 5 days ago) but I'm fine with that as it is a much better and well though out duck hunt map than all that I have seen. I think the way you have built the walkway around foundry instead of just at one side is a very good improvement. The map looks a lot bigger so it should be fair gamplay (usually it's too easy for the duckys) I see you have put interlocking in a bit but really on a map like this no interlocking is needed. One final thing... that custom powerup looks veeerrryy suspicious, next to all those dumpsters with a little blue light poking out of them =p