Detain Created by nicjgoat Supported Gametypes: Slayer Flag KOTH Territories Juggernaut VIP Oddball Detain is asymmetric with the utmost intentions of delivering a 'lab' experience. I've merged and interlocked most of the stuff very low to the floor to create somewhat of a station/desk/machine-like basement module environment with some neat gizmos here and there. 2-8 players. ______________________________________________________________ After the orbital elevator fell, supply warehouses sending munitions to space were soon abandoned . . . UNSC redeveloped the grounds to test SPARTAN-IIII variants for ((ERROR-//TEXT NOT FOUND)). After 6 months of no response UNSC received 3 lost distress signals from the Laboratory. [input: Senior Lab Asst.] SPARTAN-IIII UNSTABLE. MORE SECURITY UNITS REQUIRED[end massage] [input: Senior Lab Asst.] SPARTAN-IIII SUPER-EXCEEDED OUR EXPECTATIONS. SEND HELP IMMEDIATELY![end massage] [input: 1st Lieut. Carmise] everyone is dead!! the sparten 3s have gone haywire!! everyones dead! all the scientists and shipmates were executed, the entire IG fleet is no more!![end message] Advisors are sending Blue Team Recons to investigate. Technicians were able extract a small amount of feed from the lab cameras. This is all we have below. Good luck. _________________________________________________ Aside-Biological Augmentation Modules Aside-Autoclave 1 Aside-CNS Culture Enhancement Station Aside- Ossification Routing Center Aside-Security Booth. Unit12 Bside-MJOLNIR/Diagnostics Bside-Thermal MJOLNIR-Hydrator Bside-MJOLNIR Pressurization Tank Bside-Autoclave 2 Bside-R.I.P. station (Retinal Impacting Procedure) Cryogenic Freezer Waste Disposal Unit ElectroMuscular Stabilizer CNS Culture Enhancement Station 2 Central Mainframe _________________________________________________ Id like to once again thank the the Tester Guild for their help. Download Detain
wow this map has alot of original ideas, and the geomerging is on the dime. ill dl and tell u what i think this weekend. looks like a beastly map to play snipers on XD
Geo merging doesn't say everything about a map hydro. Nicjgoat, it looks like you really know what you're doing when it comes to forging skill. This map is a great example of how advanced geomerging can get. It seems in one area you incorporated an obvious "Base". I didn't notice any others though. So is this meant for team games or one-sided objective games? Sometimes geomerging makes your map look nice but make sure you're thinking about whether it will help or hurt the gameplay. Usually I don't even post on maps unless they look pretty good. I'm liking how this one looks so I'll give it a download and get back to you with a better more informative post, if you have any suggestions for the gametypes, send me a message. EDIT: Two previous posters said they would download. Sadly, there's only one download and mine . Good luck nic, hopefully there'll be less what I call "rank ups" on your thread. You'll get a lot of attention on this map, it's better than about 95% of the ones posted.
'Tis beautiful. Really. Less interlokking next time I like how you paid attention to detail. I like when people do that. 5/5, I'ma downloadzor and forge through it.
OMGZ, broke your map man. Go to where you have the stairs blocking off the Foundry extra rooms, you can easily jump right in there. I suggest using bridges if you have any. Good luck!
looks like a great map i like all the technal terms and it actualy looks like a human augumentations testing ground
well i can see u like to geo merge and interlock n ur quite good at it too lots of it made the map look good but i think it might hurt gameplay... EG: okay so on thoose deep boxes it looks like they would make u BUMP everythime u walked up them making u have too jump... other than that it looks really good... nice curved walls and such... good layout too
man this map looks really great! really decorative and really awesome forging techniques! nice design and ideas! nice map nice job!
muchos gracias, amigos! I totally spaced it on the stairs, TNF. knew you could get out right there, but forgot. I's gots too anxious I'm gonna try an update it tonight. thanks for the feedback. Boyle, i totally get what your sayin. It will mess you up a couple times, no doubt, but after the third or fourth play, i think you start to handle it better, maybe, hopefully?! thanks again you's.
This map looks really cool, but half the names make no sense such as "Ossification Routing Center" and "Culture Enhancement Station." I have no idea what these are. Could you please clarify what these are supposed to represent.
Needs moar intr4lockz. But seriously dude this map is really cool. I like how you took the time to scientifically name all the structures, that's great. The geo-merging and interlocking is very well done, I do agree with TNF though, that merging alone does not make a map great. I will look forward to testing it once I get my blasted Xbox back from Microsoft.....for the fifth time.
Awesome man you posted it. I remember joining your party and seeing this and it looks a whole lot better now. As always you go crazy with your interlocks and geos ;P. I shall download off your fileshare since bungie is being retarded and not allowing me to download stuff -.- Oh, well you should've sent me a message i would've tested it in a heartbeat. Oh, well let me 1v1 you on it or something sometime. Great map man 5/5 keep it up! Keep Forging!
hehe, these are just things I made up after reading 'thoroughly' about the Orion and SPARTAN projects. I tried my best not to directly imbibe from halowiki, lolz but uh no, it was just for fun. If you read up on these stories im sure more will fall into place. thanks much. Bass, i rememba. thanks again.
Your interlocking and geomerging skills are great. This map looked like it took a lot of time and effort and it turned out great. Keep up the good work. 5/5.
Dude the map is fudging ausome. I like all the geomerging. Make more Maps like this and send them to me. My Gamertag: xKingSasquatch7
totally agree. merging doesn't automatically make a map great. and under certain circumstances, it can definitely be a waste of time and effort. i can only hope? Sorry to here bout your box, man. Ive updated the map so that it is no longer breakable.
Great 1v1 map. and their more or less sides than bases. i watched this map from day one and it has only aged to perfection. 5/5
YYYYAAAAAAAAAYYyyy another map from the GOAT =) I am extremely impressed by this map. You have demonstrated some incredible geomerging and interlocking skill. This map is very unique and has great aesthetics. It doesn't look like anything else! Fantastic job with this map! Feature worthy... I'll have to check out the gameplay first but there is definately a possibility of a feature. I can't wait to play. As soon as I get my xbox back this will be first on my list of maps to review in detail. Fantastic job, make more maps!!!
I've seen geomerging before but not like this! This map when i first saw looked pretty nice but once i saw all the geomerging i was like Woh. Very nice for one of your first posts.Keep posting for sure. Nice 5/5 100%