IronCoop - The Help with the Vidmaster Achievement Thread This Vidmaster Achievement is probably amongst the hardest to get in Halo 3, not only have you got to complete the level 'Halo' on Legendary, with the Iron Skull on, in Ghosts on 4 Player Co-op, but you also have to find the other players to do it with! I have created an account to help people find gamers also wanting the achievement or wanting to help people get it. IronCoop - this is the account. This method has been used for customs and has worked quite well. 1) Submit a friend request to the above Gamertag 2) Once the FR has been accepted, go to Campaign Mode and open the party. Browse through IronCoop's friends. 3) Either join someone else's game, their parties should also be ope so you can jump in Or invite people, remember to check if that person is busy. It is very annoying to be flooded with messages, escpecially when you're trying not to die! REMEMBER! Do NOT ruin the game for other people in the party, don't go around betraying everyone, intentionally trying to spoil the fun. If you do there will be 3 other people who can send a message to IronCoop or myself, Mr David White. If you are reported by a number of people and/or they send me a video (not the whole campaign video) then I will remove you from the list. This is not a punishment as such, just a way of allowing others who want to play and get the achievement to do so. Do NOT report people just because 'they suck'. You may still join or host games even if you have the achievement! If you started then please try to finish. For the achievement you need: 4 Players Iron skull on Set to Legendary To all finish the level in the ghosts. --- --- Any questions, ask here. Remember, at the moment its just me, I'll check the accountas much as possible but don't expect to have you request accept instantly.
Yeah as long as you have time, it is very easy yet very frusterating. Don't forget you need to start from the beginning of the level and not rally point alpha.
i have a question. i know where the ghost are in the last lv, but is there more than one? and u only have to beat the last lv to get the achievment.
You can get 1 warthog, 1 mongoose, 1 chopper and 4 ghosts. To get the achievement you have to have all 4 players in ghosts when the level ends. And yes, just completing the last level will unlock the achievement.
Impossible. Clearly states: Vidmaster Challenge: Annual After 9/25/08, complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts. Ok, now about the help. That is a really good Idea. I guess I will have to send a FR later
no it's not impossible because bungie made a change to that achivement so that you could earn it before the 25th just as they realeased it to live so they hadn't time to change the description of it.
They are under the bridge directly to your left after leaving the structure after killing the monitor (once you are outside)
Here's a nice video on completing the achievement, includes location of the ghosts.
I can't stand it anymore I've done the Halo Campaign 6 times and every time I get to the driving part someone has to go or I do! I'm going NUTS!!!
I know. Everyone that does that sucks. Especially my friend who left, went on his other account and was playing COD4...
Haha what a douche That kind of happened to me the guy I was with just got bored and peaced to play cod4 lol it was a **** move
I don't know if I'm ever going to get it. Heres what happened it was like an hour ago and we were right on the last platform were the needle bugs are were we ram them then my dad came in and turned off my xbox because I had to do my homework it made me soooooo angry. I'm going crazy the more I think about it.