DISOWNED Hey guys Im sorry about that I had to re-do the weapon list, I made some mistakes on them so I got it right this time.....enjoy! Description= Hey guys, this is my third map Disowned. I have made two maps and this makes my third. My othere two were wall v2 and forgotten, they weren't as good as the others but dont worry this one is really fun. It has amazing interlocking and great use of geo-merging Author= My shots a kill gametypes= team slayer, ffa, more coming soon......2-6 players. weapon list: br=4 ar=3 spike gun=2 magnum=2 carbrine=1 mauler=1 plasma rifle=2 shotgun=1 sniperrifle=1 rocket launcher=1 fragment=6 plasma=4 overshield=1 Please download, I really wish people would stop saying good stuff about my maps but wont download, I mean its not but 2 minutes of your time Please enjoy the picture!!!!! Over view one over view two Wall walkway Fence walk way A Base Rocket spawn Shotgun spawn Overshield spawn (under fence walkway) My favorite part of the map "the sniper spawn" (you will understand if you are someone who will download and see it for your self) Thanks to everyone who took the time to read and look at my pictures, "guys a tip is to use these code name of the pictures while you are playing and your team will have an advantage." Please rate comment and dowload! Link Below! Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mmm, you must be a really good photographer. The map is sloppy in some areas, especially the wall made to surround it, and is escapable simply by jumping in some parts. It's an alright attempt, 3/5.
Wow, every map you post is better and better. I remember your first map, it was really sloppy and it took you a while to figure out how to post. You have come a long way, this map looks great. The sniper spawn area looks especially tasty... I don't see a bit of sloppiness anywhere and the layout is interesting. I'm sure gameplay will be fun as well. Great job with the map and make more, your starting to get really good at this =)
Its true, your maps keep getting Better and Better. This map looks awsum, gameplay wise, but the Ascetics may need a little bit of Touching up. Your geting great at Forging, and your Interlocking and Geomerging is Great. The map will play well, great for Slayer. 3.5/5, and ill try it out. Good job!
I agree, your first map wasn't even a map; you had random pics from snowbound and construct. Your second one was possibly one of the worst maps ever posted, but this ones actually shows some basic knowledge. You should take your time though, and make sure things line-up properly and everythings straight and even. I see a lot of 'sloppy' interlocking that could be made a lot nicer if you just spent a little more time on it. Check the spawn times on weapons and make sure they're not all at 30 or 60 seconds, or even change the amount of ammo you get in each clip. You don't want to have rockets with 4 shots in them respawning every 30 seconds, so try changing it to 120 or 180 and see which one plays out better.
This map is actually pretty nice. I was about to back out but once i saw some nice geomerging and interlocking i thought this map was very nice.You have a nice little spot where the rockets spawn. You could interlock alittle better like i see you used a window panel for a platform but its not in enough leaving a space Nice map though, good job 4/5
map design in nice the overall messyness needs to be taken care of i like the bridges in the center, dont see to oftern anymore needs more astetics and an overall makeover
I like the layout of the map, it's pretty cool and pretty original. Some of the interlocking and merging is a bit sloppy but that is ok, at least you did interlock. I like the tele writing also and the fence walls that you used as the floor there look nice. Nice map.
the map is good, but it is a bit sloppy and probably escapable and also I find it very very disappointing that there is no single Br, n'either a CCB or a Ar, not good at all, make a v2 and also make the rocket spawn sticking out, not in elseway it harder to get to.