Hey Forgehubbers! This is my first post on Forgehub showing off my new map Confinement. Here's the link Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Here's the link to my Neutral Bomb varient Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Story: This old construction site was left abandoned after reports of "hauntings". Description: This is a symmetrical map with many details.There's a long tunnel,main room,and side rooms.This map took me about a week and a half and is one of my better maps.This is my first post as you may know so go easy on me. Thanks Gametypes: Team Slayer (2v2,3v3) FFA (2-4players) Neutral Bomb(2v2,3v3) One Flag(2v2,3v3) Other Fun Gametypes: Swords (2-4players) Team Swat(2v2) Weapon List: weapon/amount/clip/spawn time Brs/4/2/10sec Plasma Rifle/2/no clip/30sec Needler/1/2/60sec Shotgun/1/0/150sec Beam Rifle/1/no clip/120sec Equipment: Oversheild 180sec Bubble Shield 60sec Regenerater 60sec Radar Jammer 90sec Thanks ALOT to: Lord Loss 174(tester),Juggalo Maxx(tester),and riot1995(for just being there,lol) Action and Regular Pictures!!
I can hardly tell anything about your map, but what I can see looks good. An overview or Foundry Designer mockup is desperately needed. Or just more photos. 4/5 I'll post more when I see more.
Welcome to FH! This map looks very well made and the interlocking looks superb! I am glad to see that you used a beam rifle and multifloors to give the map its own feel. The geomerging on angles looks excellent and this looks like itwill be fun to play on. Downloading now!
The name "Confinement" is taken unfortunately. Other than that, I like how this map looks, it was obviously well planned and the geomerging and interlocking appears flawless from the screens. I have a hard time believing this is your first map
that looks really nice... i like how smooth it is... i would recommand more pic... def. or a layout... b/c i have no clue what the rest of the map looks like n of course ACTION shots.... thoose help alot i can see u put alot into this n i would DL sept... im outa them... i think everything looks nice... mayb not so much equipment like the flare i dont think it would help this map... nice map and nice job 4.7/5 nice work
This is my first post and my first "good" map. Please believe me.I'm not lying.Thanks for the comments so far guys.I have another map comming up soon so stay tuned for it. Thanks for your support guys
Oo nice one. This reminds me of Beaver Creek. Good map with excellent gameplay. I kinda like the middle part the best. Keep forging and as for the map, 9/10
No one has rights to any name for their maps, buddy. For example, there's a bunch of warzones out there (mine being one of 'em). On the topic at hand, this map looks amazing from what I can see. I won't rate it just yet because my xbox is being fixed and I can't play through it, but I'll save this thread so I can go back and give it a review.
well very nice post can't see any thing wrong with the map....WELL IL try to give a better review after i play are you lying about being new?JK
the map looks great, smooth interlocking for the most part, I see a couple of flaws that could easily be fixed. but overall looks great! keep forging! 3/5
Map looks good, not sure how well assault would work on it. Looks very well done and thought out merging looks good. Also can you get under the ramp things in the second picture?
On each side you can get under the ramp "things", lol. During a game they are a pretty good spot for cover.To the side of each ramp a br is located.I think i'm friends with you on xbox live.If anyone has anymore questions just ask me Thanks to everyone for the comments! I'll keep posting
Great Job, this is amazing! I can't believe this is your first map. The interlocking and geomerging is beautiful, your design fantastic, and your post is nice as well. All the interlocking and geomerging is very smooth and clean, surprising for a first map. I am very impressed with the central area around the shotgun and also the geomerged wall ramps. That wall above the needler that starts as a bridge and ends in stairs is a fantastic aesthetic touch! Those tunnels look promising as well =). I am unable to find any flaws with this map, it is extremely well made and thought out! I look forward to hours and hours of ffa slayer with my friends on this map, you did a very good job. i look forward eagerly to your next maps, you've got skillage! KEEP MAKING MAPS!
Guys,in a few days i will post my new map hopefully.Thank you crazyzebu for the wonderful comment and to others. I just had to say thank you one last time for everyones support, Thank you, From HCK, and be on the lookout for more of my maps the he later future.Bye
Finally Looks like you finally figured out how to post it. This is a quality map. I first played on it over a month ago. Everything is very aligned and interlocked perfectly. I've played some intense games of 2v2 on this map. HandiCappKill3r is an up and coming forger to look out for(now that he's finally figured out how to post a map). Looking forward to your next one.