Great composition and smudging. But, sharpen the top-left smudging a bit. It looks bad right now. Still, it looks amazing.
It's supposed to be blurry in the background, it brings focus to spidey. It creates depth too. Also, it isn't a render, it's a stock.
Then blur it towards the rear of the smudging. Then it will create even more depth and not look shitty. EDIT: I said a bad wordzorz!
Wow you make different colors fit well with spiderman because spiderman blends well with the background. Also I like the noise pic and the smuding Good Job
He said it's a stock, so if he removed the 'top layer' as you say, it would just be an image of spidey with the background. All he did with this sig is blur the original image. Render is a cut out image of something. Stock is a picture... Understand now? On Topic: I don't much like it...
where did he say that? by top layer i mean the sumdging thing at the bottom of the sig its clearly the front most layer